If a fuel-efficiency bill reaches his desk, Bush could be in a bind—caught between auto lobbyists and his concern for energy security.
Women are caught in a double bind, marginalized in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
You can bind a model class to an XWT UI while, at the same time, the data field in the model object will be automatically fed to the UI controls.
One would think that we can make the Service consumer directly bind to a Service provider after finding its metadata in the registry, but that would be a mistake.
For static SQL in a package (like SQL stored procedures), use of parameter markers while still allowing optimization by value can be accomplished through the REOPT ALWAYS bind or precompile options.
对于一个包中的静态SQL(比如sQL存储过程),通过REOPT ALWAYS绑定或预编译选项,可以使用参数标记同时允许通过值进行优化。
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
The Ajax layer should be fully automated in a way that developers can easily capture GUI events and bind them to business logic which is executed without refreshing the page.
A WSDL definition file used by sca runtime to bind the entry point needs to be created prior to creating the entry point in the sca.module file.
需要首先创建sca运行时用于绑定到入口点的WSDL定义文件,然后才能在sca. module文件中创建入口点。
This file can then be used in Optim Development Studio for tuning or impact analysis without requiring a BIND step.
然后可以在Optim DevelopmentStudio中使用这个文件来进行调优和影响分析,无需一个BIND步骤。
You can use the relevant attribute to define the conditions under which a bind tag is valid or should be applied. For example, you can bind the TaxRate as shown in Listing 7.
Having seen finance wreak havoc, the temptation will be to bind it in a regulatory straitjacket.
The metal ion may be the catalytic center of the cofactor, or it may serve to bind the enzyme and substrate together to hold the enzyme in a catalytically active conformation.
Repeated experience. The double bind is a recurrent theme in the experience of the victim and as such cannot be constituted as a single traumatic experience.
The original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorised to bind the tenderer to the Contract.
The non-helpers appeared to be caught in a double bind that locked them up.
In England and Wales, a pre-nup does not bind a divorce court and at best it will only be one of the factors to be considered by the court when dividing assets.
The original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the tenderer to the Contract.
In general if it was not built with a MVVM in mind it will be a pain to bind to (Lack of INPC for instance).
In general if it was not built with a MVVM in mind it will be a pain to bind to (Lack of INPC for instance).