He had already been learning the piano for a year, and when he went blind, his mother knew this would be the only way he would make any money in the future.
They're looking at a minuscule, variable result that is prone to be picking up all kinds of irrelevant signals, yet nowhere in the entire paper can I find the word "blind".
Justice is supposed to be blind, but apparently it's also a bit slow on its feet – and it lives in inconvenient places.
In moving from written to spoken language, the greatest consequences for blind people may not be cognitive but cultural - a loss much harder to avoid.
He also knew that truth, if strayed from, can be found again, but a forced or blind acceptance of it from the outside effectually bars the way in.
Around 60% of all accidents in which a truck collides with a pedestrian or cyclist can be blamed on the driver's blind spot, and unfortunately many of these accidents involve children.
Two decades ago he predicted that "early in the 21st century" blind people would be able to read anything anywhere using a handheld device.
As he said on March 28, "Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities that occur in other countries. The United States of America is different."
A distressing situation that cannot be dealt with in any other way may result in blind rage.
We also created Windows in a variety of sizes and positions at interior space so that no children would be placed in a blind spot and the children can gain peace of mind.
"If everyone turns a blind eye to the bad side, our whole social system will be in danger," Liu says.
There would be no powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.
Describes a sleeve type compensator-the self balancing compensator, which can be used in heating networks to eliminate the blind flange force on primary fixing trestles.
For example, in a robust electronic payment system, blind signature, undeniable signature, and multi-signature should be all indispensable.
To help the blind be employed, a blind massage training class opened in the Municipal Disabled Labor and Employment Service Center recently.
Sometimes asking a blind gay is not very wise. Everyone can be a good sailor in the peaceful harbor. Now the pressure come.
Glaucoma is a sort of serious eye disease of high probability of causing blind, which might exists in all ages of people, and its damage can not be cured completely.
This is a blind spot in the commercial age because the assembler, as a production, must be improved according to the consumer's advice from time to time.
We suggest that the blind thrust structures in the Cenozoic can be a potential for hydrocarbon exploration in the front of Longmenshan fold-thrust belt.
They are designed to be non-functional fake medicine, given to the control group in a blind trial.
A new image blind watermarking algorithm based on adaptive quantization step in discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is proposed, which can be used in copyright authentication.
Leflunomide was evaluated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in active ankylosing spondylitis but was not found to be effective.
If there is any doubt in his mind as to how the drinks are going to be paid he will be sure to put on a stunt. The usual one is to pretend that he is going blind.
The lady seemed to be interested in kite but the man turned a blind eye to it.
Venus will still be in late degrees of Aries in your twelfth house, perfect for a blind date or for a confidential meeting about your career.
Venus will still be in late degrees of Aries in your twelfth house, perfect for a blind date or for a confidential meeting about your career.