I think that between the Negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon.
Any tax measures enacted now as a quick fix would only be reversed in a few years when the economy picks up.
For example, there's a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, resulting in a dispute over who should be the one to fix it.
Most of the porting issues that you could encounter will be identified by the tool and, in many cases, the tool will offer a quick fix to resolve them.
If you are still unable to fix the problem after trying the Suggestions given in this article, you may be hitting a more complex situation.
It'd be nice if you could fix a bug in the library and not have to recompile a thousand programs to take advantage of that fix.
This can be useful in those critical situations where you need to at least temporarily fix an urgent SQL problem but cannot wait for a fix from a vendor or developer.
In addition, if you need for some reason to quickly create a new view for a fast production fix, the vast majority of time will be consumed in the creation of the view, not the fix itself.
Using reserves would fix a problem that doesn't exist, since the gap in global supply will be plugged anyway, and it would exacerbate a problem that does: the amount of fear in the market.
Using time charts — All these metrics can be plotted against time to chart trends. For instance, a trend showing a steady increase in effort to fix defects should be vigorously investigated.
Although intended primarily for maintenance purposes, fix actions can be anything that you can do in a script or module.
When a build is broken, I want to know immediately so I can take the proper action to fix it — whether that be a compilation error, test failure, or even an increase in overall complexity.
Understanding how that repair happens might help doctors fix damaged vocal cords in humans too, which would have to be called a roaring success.
A fix should be available in a future release, so consult the documentation if your current release is later than V7.0.0.2 to see if this step is needed.
A fix action is an action that can be taken, in this case directly from the console, to fix a problem detected during verification.
Hotel manager says it's to fix a broken pipe, but he may be in on it too.
The object cannot be moved in this GC cycle; we cannot fix up the reference as it may not be a real reference but simply an integer that happens to have the same value as an object on the heap.
在这一 GC周期中不能移动对象;我们不能修改引用,因为它可能不是一个真的引用而只是恰巧与堆上的对象同值的一个整数。
But let's hope that when the dust settles a bit, Mr. Bernanke takes the lead in talking about what needs to be done to fix a financial system gone very, very wrong.
The project template for code refactoring doesn't include a usable demo, but the same techniques shown in the Quick Fix walkthrough can be used here.
Would not a causal analysis on how to reduce the fix-time rate be more beneficial to the team's overall efficiency, in terms of reducing wait time, than tallying how often a build fails?
Japanese nuclear safety regulator said on Wednesday that plans were under way to fix a piece of equipment that would allow freshwater instead of seawater to be pumped in.
A Japanese nuclear safety regulator said on Wednesday that plans were under way to fix a piece of equipment that would allow freshwater instead of seawater to be pumped in.
If the workload isn't well understood, it may not be wise to fix the heap size because there is a risk that the JVM will be forced to run in a heap that is too small.
Greece will be back for additional bailouts in short order, since under a bailout it will not fix its underlying problems.
Nick has an idea. He hopes he can send his investigator friend in Washington all of their info and he might be able to get a fix on working Numbers.
Other errors are indicated with a light bulb in the editor's left margin; these are problems that the editor might be able to fix for you — a feature called Quick Fix.
The endpoint can be either a node that is not part of a Network Deployment cell (in which case Network Deployment can be installed) or an existing Network Deployment node that might need a fix pack.
端点可以是不属于NetworkDeployment单元的节点(在此情况下可以安装 Network Deployment),或者是可能需要修复程序包的现有 Network Deployment 节点。
A developer creates a Rational Team Concert work item to track the work to be done to fix the defect that is reported in the ClearQuest record.
一个开发员创建一个RationalTeam Concert工作项以追踪完成的工作,从而修复ClearQuest记录中报告的缺陷。
A simple fix might be to add a check for this condition in ll-1.sh and use the output of the ls command to generate the input for ll-2.sh when nothing is provided to ll1-sh.
可以做一个简单的修正,当没有给ll1-sh提供数据时为ll - 1 . sh中的这个条件添加检查并使用ls命令的输出来生成ll - 2 . sh的输入。
A simple fix might be to add a check for this condition in ll-1.sh and use the output of the ls command to generate the input for ll-2.sh when nothing is provided to ll1-sh.
可以做一个简单的修正,当没有给ll1-sh提供数据时为ll - 1 . sh中的这个条件添加检查并使用ls命令的输出来生成ll - 2 . sh的输入。