When the curtain rises, he will be in a state.
To be in a state of hostility or rivalry; contend.
To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness.
I can't say it clearly, as long as I'm on the pitch, I'll be in a state of combat.
You would be in a state of amnesia, of complete blankness - as most people want to be.
To be in a state of impurity simply means that one is not qualified to contact the sacred.
Women used to be in a state of subjection, but now they win their rights over successfully.
For a particle to be in a state of negative energy, of course, is something which appears quite impossible.
In technical terms, systems on the edge of chaos are said to be in a state of "self-organised criticality".
Disorder couldn't increase much because the universe would be in a state of almost complete disorder already.
We recommend you to be in a state of acceptance of what you will come to experience and eventually understand.
Abusive people find it exciting to watch others get angry, get into fights, or be in a state of general uproar.
The universe would be in a state of almost complete disorder. There would be no strong thermodynamic arrow of time.
Otherwise, the universe would be in a state of complete disorder by now, and everything would be at the same temperature.
Because the server is down, causing a lot of network access and related Internet business will be in a state of paralysis.
If you depart from the law, you will wander without a guide, and everything will be in a state of uncertainty to every one.
She's terrified, and she may not be in a state of mind to take in the oncologist's reassurance that A.L.L. is "often curable."
Without this we should be in a state of weariness, and this weariness would spur us to seek a more solid means of escaping from it.
If the program fails in these requirements, it will be in a state of disorder and confusion. The only way to correct this is to rewrite the program.
Astonishingly for a man who had sold so many records, his finances were also said to be in a state of perpetual crisis, brought on by unrestrained spending.
We choose the path of least resistance, or the easier path, when we can be in a state of detachment with our lessons, when we can accept 'what is' and find the blessing.
The profiler should not block during this call because the stack may not be in a state that allows garbage collection, and therefore preemptive garbage collection cannot be enabled.
So we follow the piper and surrender to the haunting sounds as he leads us out of town and into the moors so that we can be in a state of mind that allows new thoughts and objectives to be revealed.
In our always-connected world, boredom may be a hard-to-define state, but it is a fertile one.
If all partitions are in a combo state where they are both sending and receiving data, then statistics cannot be collected.
He stubbornly refused to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.
Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people.
Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people.