A United Nations spokeswoman in New York said the request would be considered.
In general, photo-centric websites like Flickr were found to be better at quickly removing deleted photos upon request.
In this case we want to be called for all WSDL request types.
Figure 5: If the Request will be addressed in a particular project, a Task is created for that project and associated with the Request.
The orderer must then be prepared to respond to a request (callback, in this case) to process the final invoice.
So that we can see the debugger running, we need to set a breakpoint that will be encountered in the HTTP request life cycle.
Often, a request requires an instance of a certain class, but this object does not (and should not) need to be recreated in every request.
This usually indicates some internal problem with the provider and renders authentication impossible, no further request must be send in this authentication transaction.
Information can be retrieved based on static classifications, relationships, and attributes, or from those in an inbound request so that context specific content can be harvested.
The transaction boundaries will be created when the request comes in and the commit will happen just before the response goes out.
The programming interface allows for the ID presented in a client connection request to be set from within the application.
To avoid an infinite loop, the restore request should be sent only when the current page was generated in response to a GET request.
The response format specified in the request can be either XML or JSON.
The credentials will be passed in the request in clear text unless SSL is used.
In this section, you will learn how to send data to the server from a form, which will be sent in a form post request rather than a raw HTTP post.
在本节中,您将学习如何从一个表单发送数据到服务器,是以表单post请求而不是原始的HTTP post发送。
They will be visible in the request to the entry point but as soon as the request is parsed by a Gateway it will obscure the password in the request passed to CAM.
As you select the Refresh option in the previous step, you must indicate the specific parameters that will be sent in the Ajax request.
In particular, the context contains the session, request, and user name so that any information in the session, request, and user name can be used in the application object.
The second request will be secured as configured in the client's trust policy set and bindings.
Notes in the change request diary may be important for audit or compliance purposes.
In these cases, the timeout values that are used on the response stream must be set in correlation with when the request was sent.
The request has to be initiated by the client, and the server can only send data in response to a request.
If no matching valid response can be found in the browser cache, the request is sent to the network.
If the Request will be addressed in a particular project, a Task is created for that project and associated with the Request, as shown in Figure 5.
The site allows would-be volunteers to find ways to give their time and skills to the cause, and it also lets those in need, be they individuals or organizations, request help.
In both styles, you can request that additional context lines be included in the output.
HTTP is a request-response application protocol in which the parameters of the request must be set before the request is sent.
The token must be attached with the edit request, as in Listing 9.
令牌必须附加到编辑请求,如 清单 9 所示。
The SOAP Request containing the SOAP Header will be displayed in the right pane.
It's certainly possible for XML to be sent in the HTTP request, but HTTP is a very precisely defined standard that isn't going away any time soon.