Girls' clothes should be in style.
Maybe in one of those days, Chinglish will be in style for the whole world to imitate.
Flex Your VocabularySocial media platforms may come and go, but good communication skills will always be in style.
But at the same time I was thinking about our pictures, and I wanted—like, that's why I have this ring—I wanted to be in style.
With this exquisite rhodium-plated brooch shimmering with Satin, Amethyst, Light Amethyst and Silver Shade crystals, you will always be in style - confident and radiant.
This discovery explains why Kalinese miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could be used only for life-size sculptures.
The language and style you use when making an oral presentation should not be the same as the language in style you use when writing.
In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits.
In its first encounter, it might be somewhat honest and unsmiling that it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style.
This combination of almond and gumdrop could be a good style of value added food rich in organic juice and various vitamins.
In today's global markets, greater profits may be turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries.
Eggs can be prepared in a variety of ways: deviled eggs, over-easy, omelet style, scrambled, and hard-boiled.
In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style.
In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.
Let's look at how the same functionality in our earlier example can be implemented using this style.
Vintage comic style can be found also in newspapers and magazines and there are techniques for tracing real vintage.
In the RPC style, the data to be transmitted is marshalled into discrete data types in a special XML payload format (called the SOAP encoding).
It can then be extended or included in other XSLT style sheets to add functionality.
In the RPC style, the data to be transmitted is marshaled into discrete data types in a special XML payload format (called the SOAP encoding).
In a format in which style can be as decisive as substance, Obama managed to overcome a tendency in earlier debates to ramble.
The field name, type, and style will be defined in the properties dialog.
This need could be expressed in a personal dressing style, for example, but the easiest and most anonymous way is the Internet.
But ms Pelosi's style may be exactly what is needed in such circumstances.
The middleware platform can be considered the execution platform for an ESB architectural style in which services can be defined, deployed, executed, and communicated through a common event mechanism.
In Nottinghamshire, seven couples will be saying their vows in a series of Las Vegas-style ceremonies at their local pub.
In a couple of decades there could be a French-style implosion.
This does not work in XSL, because XSL style sheets must be well formed.
This does not work in XSL, because XSL style sheets must be well formed.