This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion".
This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the highenergy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.
Livestock could be driven across the mountains, but the cost of transporting bulky grains in this fashion was several times greater than their value in eastern markets.
Regulating the fashion industry in the United States won't be easy, Record says.
"A designer can't survive without participating in Paris Fashion Week", she says, adding, "Our argument is that the same would be true of New York Fashion Week."
This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.
China will now be a full partner in the global trading system, and will have the right and responsibility to fashion and enforce the rules of open trade.
Growth in the use of sunbeds, combined with the desire and fashion to have a tan, are considered to be the prime reasons behind this fast growth in skin cancers.
What they do: fashion designers design and create new clothes and other fashion accessories to be sold to the public in retail stores.
This index is not designed for looks; however, it is easy to see how this simple page could be expanded to display the software titles in any fashion.
In complex and composite services, multiple components must be brought together in a consistent fashion at the same level and integrated.
In this fashion, CDL also enables the a in SOA, since it provides the manner in which architecture can be modelled, described and implemented.
The technique achieves this by allowing the latter part of the boot sequence to be run in parallel, rather than in the traditional serial fashion.
There must be some ultra-evolved telepathic connection that allows the greatest fashion designers to communicate in secret.
In the simple case shown in figure 7, the configuration resources need to be configured in a hierarchical fashion.
Because the scenarios themselves will probably be written in a very generic fashion, the application code should not contain proprietary information.
As such, it comes with a feeling of "seriousness"; this language was not created on a whim, and it will not be abandoned in the same fashion.
The implication is that this data must be derivable from user inputs and drives the read operations on the services in a top down fashion.
In most cases, parsing XML documents to relational data can be done in a streaming fashion without requiring much memory and regardless of how big the document is.
The world's first carbon neutral bra, made in a factory run on solar panels, has been launched onto the fashion market with hopes that all clothing will be more environmentally friendly in future.
Now, researchers in Japan have used the same principles to prove that energy can be teleported in the same fashion as information.
Donald Duck - the irascible but unflappablewaterfowl - prepared to be feted in grand fashion, as heturned 75 years old Tuesday.
But the significant advantage over manual processes is that, once tested and verified, you can be sure that steps of the process will predictably be executed in the same fashion.
You don't have to hail from the big city and be dripping in diamonds to work in fashion.
If you love wearing high-heeled shoes but hate the torturous impact they have on your feet, then your prayers could be answered by the latest trend in shoe fashion.
If you have a co-worker who you suspect may be showing signs of Alzheimer's, sitting down with the person and expressing your concern in a nonjudgmental fashion can be helpful.
Once defined, a composite can be reused to provide the implementation for other components in a nested fashion.
When a build has broken, the feedback must be sent to the right people in a timely fashion and it must provide people with actionable information.
When a build has broken, the feedback must be sent to the right people in a timely fashion and it must provide people with actionable information.