The same would be true for a 28-year-old going to medical school in a different country.
We've been in the same [mainstream] classes together and some of them started talking to me when they saw that I'm able to do the work and be in school in a regular environment.
We are not in the same high school, but we still friends, will not be familiar with the distance slowly.
Will the application materials, such as credit card ready to complete, can be in the school related web site set up account, to apply for, at the same time tracking school trial schedule.
Arrived in Beijing before long, two again incredibly be charmed arrangement in the same school of the same class.
I am sort of scared to go to middle school, but on the positive side, I would be able to hang out with all my Cousins because we are all in the same school now. Jasmine y.
I think every student in junior high school or even a new term the first class meeting is a new semester new plan, the University did not expect to have such a ban would be the same.
我想,每位同学在初中甚至高中新学期的第一次班会就是“新学期新计划”,没想到来到大学 同样有这样的班会。不过,每一个大一新生来到完全陌生的 大学 环境都如在黑暗中探索。
At the same time, he also write Poetic proses, which can be found in Chinese education-related materials and Chinese textbooks of National Middle School, Technological High School, and Junior College.
This Sunday the same thing happened. All the dishes were paid by public money just as last week. Then in my mind appeared the scene that several classmates left school be carse of poverty.
At the same time, offered the problems of geography inquisitive learning in rural high school, which should be paid more attention.
According to the latest survey, 30% of respondents believed that HIV infected children should not be with other children in the same school learning;
The science of public order administration can be regarded as one school of sociology in that they have same research domain, perspective and objective.
因为治安学学科体系涵盖治安管理学的研究内容 ,所以此处论?。
The science of public order administration can be regarded as one school of sociology in that they have same research domain, perspective and objective.
因为治安学学科体系涵盖治安管理学的研究内容 ,所以此处论?。