It would be helpful if someone uncovered a Diprotodon skeleton with a spear point embedded in a rib — or perhaps Thylacoleo bones next to the charcoal of a human campfire.
Standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as an informal party, but completely out of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior.
Making breakfast or going out for a cup of coffee and a muffin can be a special way to show someone you want to take out time in your busy day to be with them.
The word came to be associated both with a loud sound and with danger! When someone speaks of a "jovial mood" or a "herculean effort," he or she is using words with origins in mythology.
Our society needs to be able to imagine the possibility of someone utterly in tune with modern technology but able to make sense of a dynamic, confusing world.
Conversely, flat sharing can be very cheap and there will always be someone to talk to and go out with, and the chores, in theory, can be shared.
It can tell children a story, help in the classroom or the home, or act as a companion to those people who need someone to be with.
In any business agreement, when you have to threaten someone with, "my contract says...," that's typically not a good sign, the following response will probably be, "Sue me."
Someone with a lot of possessions can still be a minimalist, if they apply those principles and make conscious choices in other areas of their life.
Think about it: if you believe someone is out to get your job, how likely are you to be conciliatory with that person about any subject and in any setting?
But simple substitution cyphers can be fun to play with, especially in an RPG context by handing someone an encoded message that they can work out during game play.
If you've never interacted with someone in a certain way before, you may have a strong feeling that to do so would be completely inappropriate and offensive.
Compare it with a new car. Ten years after you've sold it, someone somewhere in the world will still be driving it.
To me, being in the space of an intimate connection with someone is a very joyful place to be.
Stay sober and aware. If you're with someone you don't know very well, be aware of what's going on around you and try to stay in control.
In my opinion, it's better for someone with the formal title "coach" to be an outsider brought in to help the team, rather than a permanent team member.
Do you think in some ways it is back to you being confronted with the rights of animals, in some way someone has to be confronted with poverty.
The problem is that for them, it's all about the hunt, and not at all about finding someone with whom you would actually be compatiblein the long term (or even just in daylight).
Don't cancel your plans with your friend or let your friend down just because you want to be with someone you're interested in.
I think when you’re in a scene with someone, the most important part is that moment right there, not hindsight. But I could be wrong.
In any case, for software development initiatives, someone who is familiar with software development should be involved in the process!
Once I was ready to start dating I found myself in an undercover relationship with someone too ashamed to be seen in public with me.
She is so relieved to be rescued, like someone plucked from a deep sea, that she believes she is in love with her rescuer.
It may not be intentional and it may not be particularly subtle, but it's a message that should resonate with anybody who's ever wanted to become someone else in a game.
This is important because although this strain of swine flu is mild in most people, if it's contracted by someone with an underlying health condition that can be serious.
A young person falls in love and gets married. Now suppose the next year that same person meets someone who is better looking, wealthier and more fun to be with.
In other situations, it could be asking others to help with a challenging project, seeking forgiveness from someone you've wronged, or distracting yourself from brooding over the bad things in life.
If someone asks, "Show me your architecture," your answer needs to be in line with the implementation that's associated with it.
If someone asks, "Show me your architecture," your answer needs to be in line with the implementation that's associated with it.