Often when we visit friends and want to show them the pictures we've taken of girls seen on the beach we think: my flash memory could be infected with a virus; how can I prevent that?
But mothers infected with HIV, the AIDS virus, face a dilemma: Because some of their virus can be shed in breast milk, babies risk becoming infected as they drink it.
So perhaps there is a medical issue that spells weight trouble, or our genes and hormones may be conspiring to makes us eat more, or maybe we're infected with a virus that makes us fat.
Systems used in this type of attack can be compromised in any number of ways and infected with a worm or virus.
Humans and other animals in close contact with the birds may be infected, and the virus begins to adapt to new host animals, a process that may take years as small changes accumulate.
The Uncommon Life of Your Common Cold—she volunteered to be infected with a cold virus.
But more tests have to be done to know if it will be a cure for the millions of patients infected with the HIV virus, which causes AIDS.
Sometimes pigs can be infected with more than one virus type at a time, which can allow the genes from these viruses to mix.
Previous research showed expectant mothers infected with the virus are more likely to be hospitalized and face a greater risk of death than the general population.
Of course, the emergence of these situations do not necessarily infected with the AIDS virus, because other diseases can also be a similar situation.
Early last year, his wife at a local hospital during the inspection were found infected with the AIDS virus, and then her husband was also found to be infected with.
Early last year, his wife at a local hospital during the inspection were found infected with the AIDS virus, and then her husband was also found to be infected with.