He'd be keen on playing in England, for sure.
They tend to be keen on volume of effort and overlook efficiency.
In addition, a hero must be optimistic and diligent and be keen on his hard work.
He must a diligent young man to be keen on life and interested in renewing himself.
Frenchmen nare keen on art. They must have a preference for artistic gifts. be keen on.
Be keen on all sort of group outdoor activity like yoga, dancing and playing badminton etc.
Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.
The 22-year-old Brazilian is understood to be keen on a move and would be willing to play in Serie b.
There is a daunting list of things to be done, and Japan, like its elderly citizens, tends not to be keen on change.
The American is just 10 shares shy of reaching that mark and is believed to be keen on strengthening his ownership of the club.
Sheffield United boss Kevin Blackwell has revealed he would be keen on bringing Arsenal youngster Kyle Bartley back to the club.
A number of clubs are thought to be keen on signing the England Under-21 international, but Mourinho insists Cole is not for sale.
For ra long time, a serious problem Peking Opera has been facing is how to get more people, especially the young generations, to know about, to understand, and to be keen on Peking Opera.
I'd expected that the people who worked for the Association would be really keen on taking part.
We had hoped that the resident magician who worked here through the summer would be able to help out, but they weren't keen on that idea.
It may even be said that they have never been so keen as on this point where, on the contrary, logic seems so desirable.
The very fact that utilities and their customers, tree-huggers and industrialists alike are all keen on it hints at the many different ends to which it can be turned.
Those who are particularly keen to get their hands on a copy of a new book, for instance, may be willing to pay a higher price for it, which may explain the persistence of expensive hardbacks.
Anyone keen on another comedy of manners will be disappointed. So too will those who hoped to write off Mr Ferris as a victim of literary hype.
The air was chill and I was keen to avoid any vampiric entertainments that may be laid on for visitors after dark.
On the contrary, if you’re keen on tamping down your own cold, “boosting” your immunity may be the last thing you want to do.
Still, easing them is now on the table, at a time when America may be especially keen to exert an influence, for three reasons.
Now, while I am not keen on meting out punishment, as you are well aware, in this case I shall see to it that justice be done.
Now, while I am not keen on meting out punishment, as you are well aware, in this case I shall see to it that justice be done.