The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.
The full effects of the oil spill may not be known for years.
Get to France, see world to be known for the Ai non - Er iron pagoda.
The damage we've already done now won't be known for another 100 years.
Xiang Jing began to be known for creating works on the theme of young girls.
But Andy wanted the place to be known for more than its number of TV screens.
The final toll of the oil spill on the area's wildlife won't be known for years.
The exact number of casualties from Tuesday's strikes won't be known for some time.
His is a purposeless life and he will never be known for the things he has accomplished.
However, the true promise of this program won't be known for several years, perhaps decades.
It's a bit weird, but I want to be known for the way I play, not for what happened to Petr Cech.
Final Numbers for the holiday season including after-Christmas sals will not be known for a while.
Taylor, who was 79, came to be known for her glamour and love life (seven husbands, eight marriages).
The fluence distribution must be known for absolute gamma ray measurements in spherical radiation fields.
The reason for what a certain stock does to-day may not be known for two or three days, or weeks,or months.
The reason for what a certain stock does to-day may not be known for two or three days, or weeks, or months.
Especially as you begin to be known for your own expertise, most of them will be happy to be contacted by you.
In Britain Aldi used to be known for tinned and packaged foods, but has introduced fresh and delicatessen products.
But she says the recovery of the Gulf is far from complete. The full effects of the oil spill may not be known for years.
Rabbits may be known for getting into gardens and nibbling on lettuce, but their diets include more than just leafy greens.
As a people you are to be known for your aptitude to understand even the maximum abstruse nuance of restricted consciousness.
"People will say, 'Oh, let's go to Rhinebeck, Chelsea Clinton got married there.'... We'll forever be known for this," he said.
Europe's biggest engineering firm used to be known for two things: making everything but a profit; and scandal. Now things look very different.
She may be known for her playful giggles and killer looks, but now movie star Cameron Diaz has become the most dangerous celebrity on the Internet.
Japan's Matsushita Electric Konosuke President to criticize the leadership style of well-known, but most will be known for cultivation of talents.
Normally silent in a press conference and strong on the field, part-playmaker and part-holding midfielder, Andrea likes to be known for how he plays.
Therefore, the goodness or the betterness of strategies as projections of some future outcomes will never be known for sure until they have been tried.
The opportunity for cultural exchange offered by Milan Expo 2015 allows Cambodia to be known for what it really is, a land rich in history and economic potential.
Thus, you should define and prioritize your anchor technologies in terms of what you want to be known for, and also be aware of what's coming and plan accordingly.
Thus, you should define and prioritize your anchor technologies in terms of what you want to be known for, and also be aware of what's coming and plan accordingly.