The markings on the plug and socket have to be lined up.
Each of your desired results should be lined up with individual actions.
They can be lined up on the ground or stacked up with an external staircase connecting them.
United would have expected to be lined up against Ronaldo in the quarter-final draw next Friday.
Should the series go the distance, Wang would also be lined up to pitch Game 5 in the Bronx on Sunday.
It was based on two dated assumptions: that a young scion should be lined up for the top job, and that news Corporation's future lies in newspapers.
By that time Betsey had lined up some young volunteers to drive the ad to radio stations all over the state in time for them to be run early Saturday morning.
As is tradition for Apple opening a new store, hundreds of people lined up to be the first to plow through the doors.
Based on the sheer number of research requests, there are going to be plenty of scholars lined up to have a closer examination of this important cultural and technological archive.
We will be in Toronto for a week but I have a couple of articles lined up to keep us going.
DE Niro is being lined up to play a bitter man dying in a hospital, while Pfeiffer could be a frustrated executive secretary who decides to tackle her unfulfilled resolutions.
ABC isn't keen on letting the actress leave the network, though, and already has something lined up for her should Cashmere be thrown into the closet.
Or it could be that other soldiers had lined the bodies up before digging a mass grave for burial.
This spell could be used only once a year, when the planets were lined up in a certain way.
I set up a video camera where Sara would be standing to make sure the letters lined up right; it took a full 40-hour workweek to arrange them.
If you have another job lined up, be sure to have your offer in writing before you resign.
Well, the start of the school year arrived and with it came Tom Riddle, a quiet boy in his secondhand robes, who lined up with the other first years to be sorted.
In fact, the accident can be avoided, if everyone lined up to go, don't have not crowded, so the accident would not have happened, would not be killing so many people, isn't it?
The boards could be trimmed down to the size of a single card or left as a whole board with numerous CARDS attached to it lined up against a wall.
The conveyors will operate whenever their associated vacuum belt filter is in operation, but will be interlocked with the scraper conveyor that it is lined up with.
Nest built by asperata, lined hair or shredded bark, the appearance of rough, bulky, diameter up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) can be constructed on top of a cliff or a tree.
If it rains, then, let the soldiers dressed in field gear lined up to the hall, this rare phenomenon will be there appears.
Work pieces to be tested were in turn rotated a circle by centers, which lined up parallel to the detector.
Small pieces can be clustered or lined up, depending on the space you have.
Small pieces can be clustered or lined up, depending on the space you have.