The practice needs to be meant to specifically improve performance, and is even more effective if there's coaching.
You have been trying like heck to force a feeling, and potentially fix something that may not be meant to be fixed.
Oh, I know, I know, it's meant to be so tragic–poor woman, trapped in a loveless marriage, yadda yadda yadda.
I would be very sad if it meant that the market expects it'll be quite OK to have zombie banks roaming around, sucking the life out of the economy.
Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous.
She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Macfarlane guessed that the fact that water had to be boiled, together with the stomach-purifying properties of tea meant that the breast milk provided by mothers was healthier than it had ever been.
The advent of the mechanical clock meant that although it could be adjusted to maintain temporal hours, it was naturally suited to keeping equal ones.
To her, it meant moving confidently around the court room, using convincing body language and projecting her voice, so it could be heard from the judge's bench to the back door.
"I know you meant to be kind," she said, relenting, "so you may give me a kiss."
To her it meant moving confidently around the court room, using convincing body language and projecting her voice so it could be heard from the judge's bench to the back door.
Well-retained information, that is meant to be read, does not work as well when it is heard.
He wanted viewers to walk around on the carpets—which meant they had to be durable.
I thought about getting the train, but that would have meant a bus journey as well, and I couldn't be bothered so I decided to take a taxi eventually.
They were meant to be reunited with the pet in their new home city in Texas.
Well retain information, that is meant to be read, does not work as well when it is heard.
To be honest, I never meant to keep my being a crime writer a secret or anything, and my friends have always known.
Usually not meant to be noticeable, it often provides a tone or an emotional attitude toward the story and/or the characters depicted.
Right then I suddenly realized what it meant for my mom to be a nurse.
This, usually said with a chuckle and a batting of the eyes, is generally meant to be just silly conversation, but I know too much to consider it to be cute.
I realized that the handrail would not come off, which meant we could no longer be able to replace the power supply and repair that instrument, which meant scientists could no longer look at the universe and find life on other planets.
The attributes chosen to be included in a particular miniature was often meant to communicate parents' hopes and dreams for their child.
Indeed, the dome was designed by its maker to be placeless, meant to be plunked down anywhere from the Arctic to the tropics as an assertion of the global industrial dominance.
This is a very minor weakness, however, since WSDL is not meant to be read by humans.
It has never been meant to be winner takes all... It's not a perfect marriage.
Some personalities just aren't meant to be in the same building at the same time.
It was never meant to be profane.It was never meant to be deployed only in a rage or in a hurry by our dumb and vulgar selves.
He wants to change you. He wants to help you grow, to be better, to be different, and to be all that you were meant to be. And so he allows a crisis.
That is meant to be an advisory council for him on community partnerships and faithbased initiative.