The latex will make the fabric waterproof, but be mindful that latex sticks to latex.
Always be mindful that they have a mother or father and respect their role as much as possible.
Even people in developed countries, however, must be mindful that ACTS of sabotage are possible.
As Singaporeans, we must be mindful that Singapore is our home. We should pride ourselves as Singaporeans before we consider ourselves as being of Chinese stock.
The archbishop explained, “The Divine Mercy devotion is a reminder for us in the modern world to be mindful that God’s mercy is always there and stronger than our sinfulness or our limitations.”
总主教解释:「救主慈悲提醒生活在这个世代的我们,要记起天主的慈爱常存,比我们的罪恶和局限更强有力。」 他又说:「我们为遇难者举行祈祷会。
In other words, be mindful of the fact that it's not all about you.
Of course, with any leveraged fund, you have to be ever mindful that most of them-including the three I mentioned-rebalance daily.
Studies show that mindful people not only have stronger immune systems but are more likely to be happy and enjoy greater life satisfaction, and they are less likely to be hostile or anxious.
If we end up having no other children, we'll have to be mindful to raise her to be part of something bigger than just us three. But must we share DNA to do that?
Research shows that you'll be more productive if you alternate between mindful and mindless work.
Be mindful of the fact that your supervisor doesn't have the bandwidth to hold your hand through every crisis or help you make every difficult decision that lands on your desk.
We may not always be mindful of this fact; it seems natural to assume that other people share our perceptions and interpretations of events.
Athletes, mindful that they can be traded or waived, often anchor their families rather than tow them from city to city.
Yet Mrs Merkel needs to be mindful of something else as well: that the current rescue plan for the euro is just not working.
At the same time, be mindful of the negative stress that may paralyze you. Know how to maintain an appropriate balance between the two.
He hath given meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindful of his covenant.
That said, be mindful when you're out with friends, who may not appreciate a garnish in their guacamole.
Personally, I don’t think it’s a big deal, but if I had a small child, I would be mindful of that risk if the child was in an area where there might be pythons.
As Mr Smyth puts it: "Those who engage with the public sector are now mindful that their contractual crown jewels may be held up to the public light at some point."
Gans suggests that when you feel like eating a snack, keep in mind the five ds: delay, determine, distract, distance and decide.Waiting before eating reminds you to be mindful about your snack.
Smith says his study and others reassure him that advertising to children is not "sinful or wicked", but, he concedes, one should "be mindful of the gullibility of young children".
That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour
We are mindful, however, that several currency pairs are still above key trend lines in the prior USD down-move (see below), and that this week's USD rebound may just be a correction.
We are mindful, however, that several currency pairs are still above key trend lines in the prior USD down-move (see below), and that this week's USD rebound may just be a correction.