I will be missing you when eating lobsters…
By knowing precisely what you are receiving and what you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make better decisions.
You might let your calling program know (through a non-interruptive approach) that an E-mail address might be missing.
You don’t deserve to be confident and you don’t deserve to walk with a swagger and a smile on your face, because you’re missing something, anything.
In AIX, the cfgmgr command detects any hardware devices present on the system and even tells you which device drivers may be missing.
在AIX 中,cfgmgr命令会检测系统中所有的硬件设备,甚至会告诉您丢失了哪些设备驱动程序。
At times, a real-life data set may not have all the points — there may be an x-value but the corresponding y-value may be missing for the column you are trying to plot.
This way, rendering tags will be generated for all or most of the host components on the host page, requiring you to do little or no work to add any missing host components.
There may be something missing in your marriage that you desperately want, and although it might develop later, it also might not.
YOU could be forgiven for missing the publication of the most talked-about economics book of the year so far.
Your beliefs can play tricks on you and it can be as simple as procrastinating and missing a deadline if you're a freelancer, or just missing a few vital goals in your online business.
But as you can see, layout isn't that nice by default; in addition, it's missing a timestamp, which I believe to be a vital element of any logging system.
There are often challenging moments any time you make a significant life change. Before long, you will likely see the benefits of a whole foods plant-based diet and won’t be missing the old lifestyle.
However, taking supplements will help ensure you are getting enough of nutrients that may be missing from your diet.
You must learn to leverage your career superpowers or you will be missing out on major success.
With Mercury retrograde, information that you need to shape your plan will be missing, but unquestionably, delays will benefit you.
If you're thinking of joining a dating site, be careful not to exclude too many people on trivial grounds; you could be missing out.
But by making this assumption you could be missing a big opportunity.
In other words, while you're scanning your date for the usual emotions someone might associate with lying — microexpressions of guilt or fear — you might be missing something bigger.
换句话说,当你扫到你的约会对象脸上出现跟说谎的相关的情绪时- - -愧疚或害怕的脸部细微表情时- - -你可能忽略了某个更为重要的事了。
If you do, you'll be missing the best part — which is how the book leads you to consider deeply the issues raised in the text.
The third missing parameter is the buffer option that may be needed if you have buffering problems.
I don't want to overly-complicate the SEO process, but if you're ignoring important steps in your customers' search path, you could be missing huge opportunities.
There is plenty to see and South Aricans are lovely, welcoming people who know their football. If you hide away, you will be missing a lot.
If you're never reviewing what you've done and providing a way for people to find it, you might be missing out.
What saddens me most, Sir, is how much you will be missing if you turn your back on science.
So, the general rule for the exam will be if you're stuck in a calculation or you're missing a little piece of the puzzle, try to do as much as you can.
So, the general rule for the exam will be if you're stuck in a calculation or you're missing a little piece of the puzzle, try to do as much as you can.