To be more exact, it's the Qiang flute.
Or, to be more exact, in communications between the IT and marketing departments.
To be more exact, great thinkers and artists are generally out of step with their time and society.
By this method, the precision and recall will be more exact and the more accurate answers will be gotten.
To be more exact: growth in population and demand for food have both slowed down, but crop yields have slowed more.
If cement plant labouratory use EXCEL program to deal with its huge database, the test will be more exact and timely.
It does not directly related to architectural form, to be more exact, having nothing to do with architectural style and trend.
As for Ben Gunn, he got a thousand pounds, which he spent or lost in three weeks, or to be more exact, in nineteen days, for he was back begging on the twentieth.
Any theory aiming to account for the development of child language would have to, first of all, define language adequately, or clarify its object of inquiry, to be more exact.
Some time it might be interesting, but not useful, for some student better equipped and more idle than I to work out Newton’s exact relationship to the tradition and MSS. of his time.
He tells her that it will only be a few more days and he'll call her when he knows the exact date he's coming home.
c -Note说只是延迟了几天,等他知道回家的确切日期后会再次打电话给Kacee。
I don't know exact amounts, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear they owe more money than they have in assets.
"It is difficult to know why this relationship occurs - for example, stress, genes - so more work needs to be conducted on the exact mechanism underlying it," he said.
I can keep it as simple as I need it to be and add components to suit my exact scenario in more complex situations.
If we needed any more proof that looking good has its limits, it comes later this month - Aug. 28, to be exact - from an unlikely source: Vogue.
Someone will always be better looking.Someone will always be smarter.Someone will always be more charismatic.But they will never be you - with your exact ideas, knowledge and skills.
Although the dark triad personality type appears to be universal in human society, having been identified in 57 countries, it does exact real costs - otherwise bad boys would be more common.
Though cell phones can be wonderful, liberating tools of communication, freeing us from the confines of an office and providing more leisure time, they often do the exact opposite.
Someone will always be more charismatic. But they will never be you -with your exact ideas, knowledge and skills.
Someone will always be more charismatic. But they will never be you - with your exact ideas, knowledge and skills.
I learned that a little more than a year ago-fourteen months, to be exact-and it was that realization, more than anything, that set in motion all that was to come.
If you'd prefer to be more strict, you can use the eq method in the query instead to require an exact match.
There are twenty-four people to be exact, because a couple of projects involve more than one person.
Though more than 5, 000 people filled in applications to enter the 2006 event, the exact number of runners along with the total amount raised was not to be confirmed.
How to integrate the results of the Tasseled Cap and the evapotranspiration models together to get more exact outcome will be study stress in the future.
More will be written about this once we know exact details, so expect this (and many other sections) to be updated when ACE is released, and as it evolves.
More than just twisting wire, this method of making a telescoping armature teaches how to calculate and be exact, as well as how to plan and execute your creative ideas from their inception.
More than just twisting wire, this method of making a telescoping armature teaches how to calculate and be exact, as well as how to plan and execute your creative ideas from their inception.