The professor, who teaches Web security, asked not to be named for fear of reprisal.
Baby's P's natural father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: "P was a bouncing 17-month-old boy.
The first boy born into a family will be named after his father's father. The first girl will be named for her father's mother.
The TV channel suggested that Summit could soon be joined by little Asiada, a girl to be named for the upcoming winter Asian games.
In a text to friends he said he was scared of talking publicly about his problems with the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons.
在给朋友的短信中,拉塞尔透露他非常害怕公开谈论他与这名女同事之间的问题。 该女同事的姓名由于牵扯法律原因未透露。
Now the woman, who could not be named for legal reasons, has been warned that if she continues she 'could lead to modifications of the conditions of custody'.
Charged with murder - the boy's mother and her boyfriend, neither of whom can be named for legal reasons, and a second man, Jason Owen, who was a lodger in the house.
Odours, unlike colours, for instance, cannot be named in many languages because the specific vocabulary simply doesn't exist.
In return for his generosity, the legislature voted that the school be named Harvard College.
That is, those (compound) patterns that include other named patterns must be postponed for the parsing stage.
Themes consist of color sets, image sets, and font sets that can be named and then used either specifically for a given page or loaded dynamically as a user option.
These models can be used together, with some plans named for feature areas and others named for test types.
For example, the Windows user.lib file would typically be named libuser.a in a UNIX system.
例如在UNIX系统中,Windows的user .lib文件通常被命名为libuser . a。
For instance, a workload cluster group could be defined for a user named "ted" running on IP address
For convenience, groups of attributes and elements can be defined and named. That makes reuse possible by subsequently referring to the groups.
These named attributes are intended to be utilized by client applications for associating specific data with a file(s) and/or file system(s).
客户机应用程序可以利用这些命名的属性将特定的数据关联到文件和/或 文件系统。
With the required parameters, variable number and keyword arguments can be used as well for positional and named parameters.
Do the gentleman-like thing, ask for the kid to be named after you, write her a check for 18 years of child support, and get a vasectomy.
This means that with each new version, differently named sets of objects may be created, requiring additional work for consumers to integrate them into existing code.
The functionality can also be used to detect and later search for enumerable sets of named entities, such as product, country, or company names.
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) may be cumbersomely named, but the chancellor’s worthwhile purpose in creating it was to ensure that forecasts are made without ministerial interference.
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) may be cumbersomely named, but the chancellor's worthwhile purpose in creating it was to ensure that forecasts are made without ministerial interference.
This configuration file notifies CICS that the custom pipeline handler program named WEBINST is to be used for handling Web service requests.
The slot can be named according to certain criteria, for instance, data source, a date range, a phase name, etc.
This configuration file notifies CICS that the custom pipeline handler program named WEBSLCT is to be used for handling Web service requests.
This configuration file notifies CICS that the custom pipeline handler program named WEBSLCT is to be used for handling Web service requests.