A group of individuals is not automatically a team. Therefore, team building may be necessary in order to improve the group's performance.
A group of individuals is not automatically a team, therefore team building may be necessary in order to improve the group's performance.
Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending on me.
As the team meeting unfolded, each person in the strategy session would play his or her part, and dissenting opinions would be politely, or not so politely, dismissed.
Things that were simply too large for a small team of people to do in their spare time, and therefore could not be created unless they were being sold for money with significant licensing fees.
The three of us know the importance of the other lads in the side and the part they play in helping the team be successful, so it's not just about the players who score the goals.
According to news reports, the Sichuan panda team is pulling out all the stops to get the giant panda chosen -- not surprisingly, as most of the pandas in China can be found in Sichuan.
So it is possible that at the end of the E2 the team will say "we are still in too much flux, and therefore the next iteration will be E3, not C1."
Not preparing the organization around a Scrum project – A team embracing Scrum cannot work in isolation. It needs to interact with various other teams to be successful.
组织没有为Scrum项目做好准备—— 使用Scrum的团队不能埋头单干,与其它团队协作才能成功。
Bring the team together and select some sample stories (these need not be the stories that will be done in the early iterations).
You may only be involved in one "team" in the competition (i.e. either as an individual or as a member of a single team, but not both).
If team members do not update their data by the end of each day, the status of their work items will not be properly reflected in the report.
As for the Spaniard, he drove a truly fantastic race, demonstrating not only his skill in going from last to fourth, after his first lap spin, but also the fact that he knows how to be a team player.
Test automation is already exercising your code in ways that the development team may not be aware of.
Those atoms, the team explains this week in Geophysical Research Letters, are not electrically charged, so they can't be influenced by magnetic fields from the sun or Earth.
This will probably not be very realistic in real-life, and will skew your estimates and planning, setting up the team for failure.
This article describes how we used these tools to be more effective, and just as important, it describes how the team suffered setbacks in cases where we could not use the tools.
Be diligent and thoughtful in establishing traceability information, but do not let the traceability discussion take over your team meetings (or "develop a life of its own").
In this scenario, however, it is still likely the team will be dependent on external design documents that may not be generated until later in the project lifecycle.
As a result, the benefits that flow from a self-organizing Team - ownership, focus, drive, pride in quality, improved morale, and better productivity -will likely not be realized.
In other cases where the software development team has not made a mistake, the security breach can be caused by the end user improperly configuring or using the software.
I personally can't wait for this to happen, because psychologically, it is never easy to play in a team and to not be sure whether you will start the season or leave.
The risk taking capacity of the team at the current state of project can be another factor in deciding whether the technology should be introduced or not.
Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts.
By doing so, he's saying that he not only wants to be the best player in history but also wants to have the best TEAM in history.
There is not a development team in the world that doesn't deal with design debt (though it may be doing so unknowingly).
It means you've got to be so special to get in at 17 or 18 and we're not producing those players who can force themselves into the team.
In the announcement, the Chrome team did not specify if passwords will be synced as well.
If you're not keen on entering the competition, you can also join the design team in the Netherlands who will be responsible for prototyping the 5 finalists.
Making testability an item on the agenda of the development team is not something that is made explicit in TMap, but which will prove to be a very valuable activity.