People may not be sure about life on Mars until a sample of life is brought back.
Traditional dance teachers did not welcome it because they thought it was not even a real dance and were quite sure about its demise but Swing has proved them wrong; it continues to be one of the world's most fun dances.
The bank thinks the most likely outcome for 2009 will be a decline in remittances of just under 6%, though not enough is known about the impact of severe recessions to be sure of such predictions.
Wang says that she loves "stories about anger, about emotion, about complexity," and though it "might" involve fashion, it will be "visual." (Not sure how fashion wouldn't be visual, but we digress.)
Be sure that the common ground is something your colleague genuinely CARES about, and not something you think he should.
I'm not sure what that is, but all the foreigners here are very excited about it so it must be very nice.
I am sure everyone would like to be remembered and not to forget about our departed loved ones too.
Nothing was to be done that he did not do himself; though I am sure (and I do not speak it to be thanked, therefore say nothing about it), your uncle would most readily have settled the whole.
To be frank, if I had got cancer, I wouldn't have been all that surprised. I'm not sure I would even have questioned God about it.
Earlier this year, Professor Hawking warned humans should be wary about trying to make contact with other alien life forms as we could not be sure that they would be friendly.
Earlier this year, Hawking warned that humans should be wary about trying to make contact with other alien lifeforms in space as we could not be sure that they would be friendly.
To be sure, this is not easily corrected by legislation, although it might be possible to have useful rules of thumb about the appropriate ratio of full damages to lost earnings.
One of the many important aspects of preflight training will be to make sure that passengers are fully prepared for weightlessness, indeed, perhaps not even too excited about it.
I'm not even sure I know what "letting go" or "coming to terms with" means. All I know is that I want to be able to think about him and talk about him without feeling anxious, incredibly sad or upset.
These rankings are not intended to be definitive, so if you are using them in making a decision about your own use of a stack, be sure to review my justifications and make your own judgment.
You want to be sure not to create a false sense of security about the interoperability you might have with others using the same standard.
To be sure, that's not to say member nations were necessarily happy about it, but at this point intervention would only have limited results. (See "G7 Abandons The Dollar.")
I am not sure we can talk just about ‘Arab-Israeli peace’ or the ‘Arab peace initiative’ anymore. We may be looking at an ‘Iranian initiative.’
我知道我们不能仅仅讨论'阿以和平'或'阿拉伯和平倡议'了,也许,我们正在探寻一个'伊朗倡议' ”。
We're not sure if those folks are now having regrets about their choices, but if so, they'll be happy to know they now have the option to select a username yet again. But only once, says Facebook.
If you use this option, be sure to specify the whole path of the file after f so that IDS will not be confused about the file location.
如果使用该选项,请确保在f后指定文件的整个路径,从而 IDS不会将文件位置弄错。
The University of Chicago's Moeller is optimistic that the city might not be destroyed by flooding, but she's not so sure about Allianoi's future prospects as an archaeological site.
In this case, it seems you would be the one more likely to bring the suit, not the other way around, but this is not absolutely clear from where I sit, so I can't be quite sure about that.
No one can be sure about his future. Future is not what fortune teller tells you. It is created by yourself. ——Bill Gates.
没有谁能够对未来了如指掌,未来并不是靠算命先生那张嘴说出来的,而是靠你自己创造出来的。 ——比尔·盖茨。
Good quality is important to them, and they believe they can not be sure about the quality of the things on TV.
Good quality is important to them, and they believe they can not be sure about the quality of the things on TV.