This flexible framework allows any object to be translated into another type.
That's about how high an object would have to be orbiting straight up from the equator to constantly remain directly above the exact same spot on the rotating planet Earth.
For every object in the call flow, there can only be one other object connected to it.
For the brave people on board, close to this massive object, time would be slowed down.
In order to successfully refer when we use language, there must be an appropriate relationship between the speaker and the object referred to.
If the CFL should be used for lighting a particular space, or an object within that space, the fixture must be designed to work with that lamp, and the fixture with the room.
Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwave oven, or forgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you've visited many times before can also be signs of something going wrong.
When they stop beating their wings, they'd be much harder for the bat to distinguish from a leaf or some other object.
For an object to be in rotational equilibrium about a certain point, the total torque about this point must be zero.
Therefore, for every object in the call flow, there can only be one other object connected to it.
If any object to be restored references an object in another schema, and this object does not exist in the target database, the procedure will fail.
This function returns the handle to the event object and can be used in subsequent calls to the event object.
Moreover, this method might have some custom logic to see if data from the input object can be used to pre-populate the output object.
The composite software object can be used as a component software object, which can be further composed to form other composite types.
One is to create a XHR object that can be used to exchange (send and receive) application-specific information with the mid-tier service.
When modeling object interactions, there will be times when a condition must be met for a message to be sent to the object.
To access the Content store object that is stored in the array as the class expected to be returned, the object must be cast to its actual class.
The dynamic invocation interface requires a Call object to be created at runtime.
If we can pass a rope round the sunken object, we might be able to raise it.
He didn't know he was then an object to be horsed.
One or more fields of the intermediate object can be mapped to columns in a table.
In this latter case, the object would be instantiated to report some information and then would not be required anymore.
It defines a set of attributes, any of which can be used to specify an object.
Since the context object needs to be passed across components, the object should be serializable.
Listing 4 shows an invocation handler that is not tied to any specific business object, and could therefore be used along with any business object that needs to be validated.
This object reference could be passed to it or it could be retrieved from a naming service.
This is an expensive operation because every live object might be moved, and every pointer to a moved object must be updated to the new location.
Despite this, however, it still needs to be attached to an object, just like a regular event handler.
His principal object must be to discover the number of the hackney coach which took them from Clapham.
The object pool needs to keep track of the state of each object and to be thread safe.