For cable modem and DSL installations, it's the battle in the streets: roads need to be dug up, permits pulled and off-duty police hired.
When the cruise dock tourist attractions, off-duty employees can be allowed within the prescribed period of time for sightseeing and shopping.
Take good care of office supplies. Items on the desk should be placed in order. Must suitably place all documents before off duty in order to avoid being lost or disclosed.
Well, perhaps it won't be true time off because in fact the two weeks will be dedicated to international duty for a number of Milan stars.
Aim to clear clear retreat ab extra farmer to be versed in, the off-duty workers that vacates post to settle this city again obtain employment problem.
We'll extend duty time on traffic condition. The police force won't be off duty if road is jammed.
If any of return sludge pumps is in off mode, it will be regarded as standby unit. If fault is found on duty pump, the standby pump will be automatically change over.
Staff can adjust their duty time accordingly (i. e. on duty late and off duty late), but everyone should be in the office by 1 p. m. and guarantee 8 hours working time a day.
Staff can adjust their duty time accordingly (i. e. on duty late and off duty late), but everyone should be in the office by 1 p. m. and guarantee 8 hours working time a day.