For two years starting in 2000, Mr. Radovich says he let Mr. Pang use office space and phones, free of charge, in return for a promise he'd be cut in on any deals.
Basel 2 is a big improvement on the outgoing Basel 1 framework, which simply imposes a flat 8% charge on loans and assets irrespective of how risky they may be.
As they are increasingly time impoverished, they place a higher value on their time and as a result they see the contribution you make to be of greater value than what you charge for that service.
Student Linstead points to solar panels on the roof of a pre-packaged shelter, and explains they can be used to re-charge cell phones.
The sedan has a range of 100 miles on a single charge, which is far more than most Americans drive in a given day, and should be available as early as 2010.
A producer will also be in charge of the press and will spend a good deal of time on the phone coordinating with the press regarding the movie.
A preload notice could be used to warn the user, based on a set of rules defined for the preload notice, that this will cause an extra charge on their bill.
There may be a charge to cover the cost of handling your refund. This charge will be shown on your refund form.
On my first day of duty an officer told me, "You are a machinist and will be in charge of the machine shop."
Children between the ages of 6-35 months can be inoculated with A/H1N1 flu vaccines free of charge on a volunteer basis, the Ministry of Health said Thursday.
If you're in the business and can't name a dozen women you'd put on TV, in charge of funding decisions, or at the negotiating table for the United States, I'd be happy to introduce you.
You must be putting me on. To charge 50 yuan for a mere cup of tea!
The Leaf will be powered by an 80kW electric motor and will have a range of at least 160km on a full charge.
KING Kenny may be back in charge at Anfield - but former Reds manager Rafa Benitez still received a hero's welcome on the streets of Liverpool yesterday.
Beholders avoid using this narrowed ray on magic items since the destruction of a magic item also destroys a potential source of magic that could be used to charge their dweomerlobes.
However, if the transport document indicates, by stamp or notation, a date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, this date will be deemed to be the date of shipment.
Free users can download all the historical data, historical data is updated monthly, so users free of charge 1-2 days a month can be used for up-to-date data on the main force.
免费用户可以下载所有历史数据,历史数据每月更新一次,所以免费用户每月有1 - 2天可以用上最新的主力数据。
If there is a charge of ink on the printed lines on the edge of the discharge, it may be here to show "ink to" this situation is mostly presented in the field edition.
Petrov, who gleaned 27 points from his debut season in 2010, will be in charge of the R31 when it makes its on-track debut on Tuesday, and for the Russian it's a thrilling opportunity.
If you're one of those people who has no idea how to be in charge of other people, this infographic on how to be a good boss can help you take control without being a controlling monster.
The charge on a colloid can sometimes be neutralized by addition of molecules of opposite charge which have the ability to absorb onto the colloid.
Considering the parking charge effect on the traffic assignment of urban road, the travelers in a network can be classified into car-owners and non-car-owners.
Describe what the player will control. You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players. If you want you can switch on the AI and turn it into a fish bowl simulation.
After the signing of the Agreement on Internal Peace, a national reorganization committee shall be established at once to take charge of this work of reorganization.
The Faraday cup method can be used to measure the charge on a wide range of substances and objects, such as plastics, films, liquids, gases, and electronic components.
Bill: We've taken on a new client and I want you to be in charge of the account.
Since each droplet picked up a slight charge of static electricity as it traveled through the air, the speed of its descent could be controlled by altering the voltage on the plates.
The problems of accounting firms and other intermediary agencies found out during the annual examination shall be passed on to the departments in charge in a timely manner.
The problems of accounting firms and other intermediary agencies found out during the annual examination shall be passed on to the departments in charge in a timely manner.