These GM grain crops could be on the market within the next decade.
Gibbons anticipates that biomass ethanol will be on the market by 2012.
If these are successful, the device could be on the market in three to five years.
The product is still under test and will not be on the market for at leat two years.
While this is relatively good, but it should be on the market is expected to have a good role.
According to Technology Review magazine, the phone could be on the market in three to five years.
Some job search days are better than others, but your friend will be on the market every day until she isn't anymore.
This is our latest product. When is it going to be on the market? It will be out next month. Could I have this sample free of charge?
Lin is currently exploring partnerships and licensing arrangements, and estimates the product could be on the market as soon as the next two to three years.
林教授现在在寻找合作者和经营许可。他估计,最快2- 3年,产品就能面世。
The plane won't be on the market for years, Entrepreneurreports, assuming it ever secures funding and receives approval from the Federal Aviation Administration.
While plans for electric powered passenger planes are still way in the future, sport airplanes and small helicopters powered by batteries could be on the market in the next few years.
In a 11-page document dated Sept 22, Janet Woodcock MD, director for the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, explains why she decided to allow Avandia to continue to be on the market.
The pod-like cars, which are just prototypes for now (GM says they could be on the market by 2030 at a cost of $10,000), look somewhat like large scuba-diver helmets, or smushed dust busters.
The pod-like cars, which are just prototypes for now (GM says they could be on the market by 2030 at a cost of $10, 000), look somewhat like large scuba-diver helmets, or smushed dust busters.
It would be unrealistic to suggest that illegal digging would stop if artifacts were sold on the open market.
There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids.
As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.
Items like bread, milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtained only on the black market.
In a market where there appears to be a surplus, the common mistake is to tack on too many unnecessary requirements.
Finding them when the software product has already been put on the market can be quite embarrassing.
Programming languages have a quick turnover, so the "Ruby on Rails" language they learned may not even be relevant by the time they enter the job market.
编程语言的更新速度很快,因此等到他们进入劳动力市场时,他们所学的“Rubyon Rails”编程语言甚至可能完全用不上。
The organisation also maintains that the ISS should be used to develop products with commercial application and to test those that are either close to or already on the market.
A set of silver ornaments can be sold for between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan on the market.
You've got a great os-with a little work, it could be the best mobile operating system on the market.
The product owner identifies the features that are required in the product for it to be successful on the market and meet customer needs.
The M-346 and T-50 are considered to be among the best advanced training aircraft on the market.
M- 346和T - 50被认为是市场上最好的高级教练机。
The T-50 is considered to be among the best advanced training aircraft on the market.
T - 50被认为是其中市场上最好的高级教练机。
More than 900 bank branches are to be put on the market over the next four years and some well-known insurance firms will also be sold.
More than 900 bank branches are to be put on the market over the next four years and some well-known insurance firms will also be sold.