I'd be on the phone, 200 phone calls a day.
If you've got a hands-free headset, you could even pretend to be on the phone while working.
The Director of Sales expected his sales team to be on the phone qualifying and setting appointments starting at 8am.
Consultant: Some clients want a lot of data and so could be on the phone every other day wanting up dates and new questionnaires.
This is coming just after the new moon, so you could hear home-related news, or, because the Sun rules your ninth house, you may be on the phone, or on a jet, to a foreign country!
The reason why so many guys struggle with the first call, is simply because they don't know what to do, they don't know what to say, they don't know what the structure should be on the phone.
The reason why so many guys struggle with the first call, is simply because they don’t know what to do, they don’t know what to say, they don’t know what the structure should be on the phone.
When most would be going to bed - in whatever country we would find ourselves - Farrell would still be on the phone, still writing or planning where he should be, what untold story needed telling.
Without your phone at your face, you'd be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is.
The bike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it, and those bikes can be easily unlocked with a smart phone and left anywhere in public.
这家服务公司提供的自行车上装有 GPS或蓝牙,这些自行车可以用智能手机轻松解锁,还可以停放在公共场所的任何地方。
At the same time, I usually have my laptop resting on my knee, or I will be using my mobile phone.
This is hacking on an industrial scale, as was acknowledged by Glenn Mulcaire, the man hired by the News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.
In keeping with the fact that Gmail's contacts application is so dire as to be almost an insult, the one on the phone is also dire.
Palm will make the SDK available to anyone to use, but there will be an app Store which will be accessible on the phone only and an approval process for apps.
A few weeks ago, an old friend who used to be an Informix user called me on the phone.
Even while just standing in one place, a rapid decline in the number of signal bars can be observed depending on how the phone is gripped.
Will you be my ‘buddy,’ a person I can call on the phone when I need support and encouragement?
Will you be my 'buddy,' a person I can call on the phone when I need support and encouragement?
Soon you can dial up your friend just using a headset. The rest of the phone can be on your belt.
The LOGGING constant in Listing 1 should be TRUE if you want this logging to work, but leave it FALSE when it is running on the cell phone, as the performance hit can be significant.
如果希望启用这个日志记录功能,那么清单1中的 LOGGING常量应当为TRUE,但是如果是在手机上运行的话,应当将其设为 FALSE,因为性能损失是非常明显的。
Then before you know it, the next weekend you might not be able to reach any women on the phone, have no date for the night, and feel like you've lost your edge.
Defaults range from 1234 to the last four digits of the target phone, and can easily be found on the Internet.
According to Technology Review magazine, the phone could be on the market in three to five years.
Even more futuristically, the data will be displayed either on the container or the fish bowl, or at least your mobile phone.
The language settings must be changed on the desktop browser. They can't be altered on your phone.
If Mr Ballmer is still around to negotiate such a deal, it might be the best chance he has of putting Microsoft's stamp on the smart-phone world.
This, despite the fact that the remote server would be much faster than the processor on any one phone.
This, despite the fact that the remote server would be much faster than the processor on any one phone.