With an excess, the insured would tend to be more careful because if a claims occur, the insured also has to be out of pocket and contribute towards the claim.
They think Banks were overpaid for the risks they took. Issues were priced as much as 40% below market prices so stocks would have had to plunge before Banks would be out of pocket.
You don't know when or whether you'll need treatment - but if you do, treatment can be extremely expensive, well beyond what most people can pay out of pocket.
The costs of care, including the price of medicines, can be an absolute constraint for impoverished households, especially when expenses are covered by out-of-pocket payments.
Paying for a guardian out of his own pocket for 27 years turned out to be worth it for the Italian archaeologists Giuseppe Orefici, director of the Nasca Project.
对于纳斯卡项目负责人,意大利考古学家Giruseppe Orefici,27年自费支持这个保护项目终于被证明是值得的。
When the additional out-of-pocket costs are taken into account, a healthy advertising budget is needed before any revenue can be assumed.
Some costs would be reimbursed for lower-income workers, but out-of-pocket expenses would still be hard to meet.
If it meant reaching the Champions League Final in Rome, I would pay to be there out of my own pocket!
If my wife and I were to buy a bigger, more flashy house we realize it would not be an asset, it would be a liability, since it would take money out of our pocket.
Public bodies may be left even more out of pocket if receipts from the sale of land and buildings after the games are lower than expected.
No recovery may be sought or received for damages other than out-of-pocket expenses, except that the prevailing party will be entitled to costs and attorneys' fees.
Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses?
Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses?