The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works.
I too was curious to be present at the spectacle, and I confess I did not sleep that night.
我对参加这样一次 迁 葬也很感兴趣,老实说,我一夜都没睡好。
Tenderers or their appointed alternates may be present at the time of the opening of tenders.
Tax attorneys will also be present at the end of the auction to answer all tax and audit questions.
Support teams do not have to be present at the start or finish of the match and can join in when they like.
So far, 14 universities have signed up, and Kim hopes at least 20 will be present at the first meeting this summer.
David helped to survey the site, organized the workforce, and carried his bat to be present at the opening ceremony.
Without probable cause, a police officer cannot search other persons who happen to be present at the scene of a search.
What assumption was behind Jesse not even bothering to call David to be present at the sacrifice for Samuel's anointing?
The color and structure features of the image can be present at the same time. The identifying ability is analyzed deeply.
The organizer reserves the right to disqualify winners if the latter fails to be present at the Award Presentation Ceremony.
The script called for Ki-Adi-Mundi to be present at the Jedi Council meeting, however his animation model was not yet prepared.
Some 10,000 guests were invited to be present at the ceremony, which was televised live across the nation and around the globe.
Should any director be unable to attend the meeting, he shall authorize a representative to be present at the meeting and vote for him.
Foreign Ministers and representatives from China and Arab countries and Secretary General of the Arab League will be present at the meeting.
I will be present at the match against Inter on Sunday night because the lads promised me a nice present for my birthday which is on the following day.
The stamp also includes images of the Pavilion of Spain and of the two other Spanish cities that will be present at the Exhibition, Barcelona and Bilbao.
The stamp also includes images of the Pavilion of Spain and of the two other Spanish cities that will be present at the Exhibition, Barcelona and Bilbao。
All participants who submit fish must be present at the weighing station to witness the weighing and sign on the tag to acknowledge the weight of the fish.
Dr. Jan Schouten, founder of Schouten & Nelissen Group and the Board of Directors of Schouten China will be present at the ceremony and address the audience.
The sampling shall be conducted by (two or more) professionals who have accepted special training, and the relevant personnel of the sampled entity shall be present at the scene.
Also use the opportunity to ask any pre-game questions you may have-such as who will be present at the interview and what support materials the interviewers might be interested in.
In light of the accused voluntarily and unequivocally waiving his right to be present at these proceedings, the chamber is of the view that this hearing can proceed in his absence.
Many China-stationed diplomatic envoys and officials from different countries will be present at the Final and serve as guest judges, making Ambassadors choose ambassadors come true.
A: China has received relevant invitation. However, as we still have to make further study of the role and operation of the "Libyan Contact Group", China will not be present at the meeting.
The Seller may, on its own option and at his own expenses, be present at the inspection, the inspection can be conducted if the Seller is absent despite of timely notification by the Buyer.
We were very proud of the product we'd built, and we wanted to be sure to show all its key features because we knew some of the upper management from ASDI would be present at the external TRR.
I had an honour to be a special guest of that first evening, to say few words, and throw a giant tennis ball... I'm only sorry I couldn't be present at the finals evening, that was impressive!
I had an honour to be a special guest of that first evening, to say few words, and throw a giant tennis ball... I'm only sorry I couldn't be present at the finals evening, that was impressive!