The meeting has made Obama the first US president to be present in the same room as a Burmese leader since Lyndon Johnson met Prime Minister Ne Win in 1966.
This div should be present in the template HTML file.
Only nodes that are eligible for provisioning can be present in l.
The group base DN should be present in the LDAP DIT before configuring the client.
Seventeen of the top 20 nations in the Fifa rankings will be present in South Africa.
Table 1 shows information that is assumed to be present in the configuration in this case.
More subtle diagnostic clues might also be present in the faces of people with Alzheimer's.
The team found communities of amoebae, ciliates, and flagellates to be present in all the plants.
There is still the basic check, meaning that the certificate signer must be present in the trust store.
These locations are the default and should already be present in the queue manager's SSLKEYR attribute.
Add as required: Use this option if this device must be present in order for the partition to function.
For many companies it is vital to be present in China, not just in sales but in engineering development.
The body element must be present in all SOAP messages and must follow the header element if it's present.
On the server side, the WSIT configuration information needs to be present in the WSDL service definition.
For soil near the equator, only about two tablespoons of water is believed to be present in every 1,000 pounds.
Of course, you can never control external factors like network latency, which will always be present in any approach.
It wasn't a design that we were happy with and has been removed and will not be present in the next preview release.
Whatever columns are added to the wishes table will automatically be present in your application, in the same order.
In previous versions of Packaging Utility, the license activation kit had to be present in the destination repository.
These bounds could specify the set of available constructors that must be present in any instantiation of the parameter.
The second attribute that must be present in a virtualized application server environment is some notion of goal orientation.
I can subclass the RequiredModelMBean class, guaranteed to be present in any JMX implementation, and add the functionality I need.
In other words, all columns that are part of the partitioning key must be present in the primary key or unique index definition.
But no cone cells were observed in 10 of the 17 species, while only one type of cone cell appeared to be present in the other 7.
Because the Listing 2 class is a parameterized type, the class signature needs to be present in the binary class representation.
In 2008, I reached out to six friends and asked them to form a "Council of Dads" to be present in the lives of my twin daughters.
Its downside is that the classes have a direct dependency on the base aspect, so the base aspect must always be present in the system.
A hiatal hernia (a common term for GERD) may be present in many patients who suffer from GERD, but may not cause symptoms of heartburn.
For example, a plug-in with the ID org.eclipse.xsd may be present in the \ eclipse \ plugins folder and in the \ eclipse \ plugins folder.
例如,id为org .eclipse . xsd的插件可能会在\ eclipse \plugins文件夹和\ eclipse \ plugins文件夹中同时出现。
Suppose a given institution requires certain information be present in an instance document that is considered optional by the HL7 CDA XML schema.
假设,一个给定的机构要求一个实例文档中必须出现特定的一些信息,而这却被HL 7CDAXML模式视为可选。