I don't want to get big either, because I want to be quick at all times.
So be sure to be quick at finding out if anybody is wearing anything new or impressive and remember to say, “You look awfully smart in this new shirt!
A quick email to the people you met at conferences last year can be a very good thing, as you never know if they might have a great opportunity available that could really help you out.
A flash of light can be extremely quick but not many cameras can operate at that speed.
What granularity should my services be at so that I maximize reuse and enable quick changes to react to market forces?
These interfaces need to be provided to the right people at the right time, and they should facilitate quick action and efficient processing.
Before I get into that, let's take a quick look at the back-end server that the application you will create in this article will be calling.
One more thing before you start building your cluster: a quick look at the main distribution you'll be using — ClusterKnoppix, and the cluster-enabling kernel it contains, openMosix.
Those with a quick pace and long legs will be lucky if they get to the other side with the changing of two traffic lights that are placed at every intersection.
If goal is just to find a quick workaround with acceptable performance debugging effort can be stopped at that point.
A small part of the application can be loaded at startup to provide a quick user response.
First, take a quick look at an iteration plan view to be sure that you understand the current task assignments.
Standing at release 3.5.7 at the time ofwriting, Firefox has matured immensely since first arriving as the slimlinebrowser that showed just how quick trawling the Internet could be.
A quick look at the table tells you that users can be created and deleted from either side, but registering a user depends upon where he was created.
Before we wrap up, let's take a quick peek at what would be necessary to make this application available for download from an application store.
DiCapriophiles will be quick to note that he does have some important things in common with Hoover, at least on the surface.
But these chopping tools are marvellous and quick at getting the meat off the bone and then, with one sharp blow, I could break the bone and we'd be able to get to the marrow.
But wait - a quick glance at these statistics can be misleading.
In fact, a quick way to see if this might be the case is to look at the version control log for your use-case artifacts.
While it isn't appropriate for this paper, a quick look at the specification will show that the built-in functions that E4X XML objects have allow the order of the XML to be carefully crafted.
After a quick make-up session, my father-in-law was ready to be placed in the traditional wooden coffin that had a small window on the cover allowing mourners to look at his face.
Here, you'll get a quick look at some UNIX-based content management solutions that might be better than what you've been using to produce your blog.
"I fear the pace at which we have grown may have been too quick," Mr Toyoda said in written testimony released yesterday and due to be delivered today before the House oversight committee.
“I fear the pace at which we have grown may have been too quick, ” Mr Toyoda said in written testimony released yesterday and due to be delivered today before the House oversight committee.
You've also taken a quick look at how you can use the information that will be stored in the database to get statistical information—surely the point of a survey application.
This society is constantly progressing at a quick pace, so as long as everyone like it, as long as everyone needs it, as long it is something with a business opportunity, it will be popularized.
Now that you understand how SOAP intermediaries work, let's take a quick look at some possible ways that Web services architects will be using them.
Weintraub gave everyone a quick glimpse of the showroom floor this morning on YouTube and at the end of the video, he notes that Palm appears to be there at the Google Chrome booth.
Just a quick glance at someone's facial structure may be enough to predict their tendency towards aggression, according to a study published in the Psychological Science journal found.
Just a quick glance at someone's facial structure may be enough to predict their tendency towards aggression, according to a study published in the Psychological Science journal found.