The secret place where enemies conceal their loot. These bloody treasures must be guarded well so be ready to fight the guards.
The proposals have delighted those who think America will fight irregular “small wars” for the foreseeable future, and horrified those who believe it must be ready to fight big conventional ones.
The proposals have delighted those who think America will fight irregular "small wars" for the foreseeable future, and horrified those who believe it must be ready to fight big conventional ones.
A key part of the solution will be financing of the fight against climate change: the EU will come forward with proposals in good time on financing, and is of course ready to play its full part.
Danny Carcia: he is now excellent, we have a excellent camp, he is almost ready, we still have two weeks, he is going to be in one hundred percent, it will be a great fight.
We will fight for our freedom and ready for more sacrifices, the traitors, colonizers and as well as NATO will be going to defeated soon.
We just need to fight through the long regula season and be ready for the playoffs.
We'll need to be 100 percent ready mentally to fight for the championship and physically we'll have to be 110 percent because we can't lose any chance so I'll train a lot.
If Stam arrives we'll be happy, but even if he doesn't arrive we are ready to fight for all of our goals for our next season '.
If Stam arrives we'll be happy, but even if he doesn't arrive we are ready to fight for all of our goals for our next season '.