Don't be reluctant to try powered toothbrushes.
If it pays fair value or less, Banks might be reluctant to participate.
Many activists may be reluctant to give Mr Bush credit. But handsome is as handsome does.
The project needs about $7.5m, and a newly conservative Congress may be reluctant to provide it.
With jobless Numbers hovering at 9.6 percent people who have jobs seem to be reluctant to take time off.
While central banks will still be reluctant to raise rates, rising bond yields will force them to do so.
However, when surveys are used for data collection, users may be reluctant to provide accurate responses.
Of course, you may be reluctant to call upon a friend for help because you don’t want to admit you need it.
Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk.
Saxena added that Indians would be reluctant to pay for a group dating site when they can use Facebook for free.
I suppose even if there were women's health clinics in smaller towns, maybe women would be reluctant to go to them.
Following Afghan tradition, local commanders are building independent fiefs that they will be reluctant to relinquish.
She says it’s a lot of work to reunite the children with families and communities that may be reluctant to welcome them back.
Crime victims and witnesses are likely to be reluctant to come forward if they fear that they may be deported for their pains.
Barack Obama will work with Congress to devise a fairer set of rules, but he will be reluctant to free those who openly threaten Americans.
It information security professionals in the medical industry appear to be reluctant to deploy document authentication and encryption for users.
Had passed the lunch hour for a long time, we had no alternative but to be reluctant to leave this ordinary but also unordinary small house.
Similarly, they should not engage in any behavior privately that they would be reluctant to do publicly (i.e., in front of their romantic partners).
This will adversely affect the power supplies market, as users will be reluctant to pay for the engineering cost involved in designing power supplies.
Tourists may be reluctant to journey farther out to a place that lacks the charm of its predecessor, and the move risks undermining the Tsukiji brand.
European negotiators knew the us would be reluctant to embrace Kyoto, but they hoped they would be able to use it as a foundation for a new agreement.
But one risk is that with economic growth and corporate profits faltering, Banks may be reluctant to increase their lending for fear of future bad loans.
If the maximum value can be derived by starting a new story and carrying it over to the next sprint then the team should not be reluctant to take this path.
For example, you might be reluctant to close because you're afraid that your customer might feel "buyer's remorse" and stop liking you -- a form of rejection.
He may be reluctant to do this for fear of hurting you even more, but concealing the details will leave questions unanswered and that will prevent you moving on.
Bear in mind that all these figures may well be underestimates since people are likely to be reluctant to admit spying on their partners as it suggests a lack of trust.
Bear in mind that all these figures may well be underestimates since people are likely to be reluctant to admit spying on their partners as it suggests a lack of trust.