Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.
People may lose their lives and homes or they may be seriously injured in a fire.
People may lose their lives and homes or they may be seriously injured in an earthquake.
Though the boxers wear gloves boxing is very crude, for the fighters could be seriously injured or even killed during a match.
However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match.
The thin ozone layer has proved to be an Achilles heel that may be seriously injured by apparently moderate changes in the composition of the atmosphere.
The thin ozone layer has proved to be an Achilles heel that may be seriously injured by apparently moderate changes in the composition of the atmosphere....
If a losing male continues to be aggressive, the chances are he will be seriously injured (it is unlikely natural selection could have foreseen competitive coin-tossing).
I don't think the damage to 'Idol' would necessarily be fatal if Simon left, but the show would be very seriously injured.
Heavier people are more likely to be killed or seriously injured in car accidents than lighter people, according to new research.
In several parts of Berlin a large number of people, most of whom appeared to be Jews, were openly attacked in the streets and knocked down. Some of them were seriously injured.
Be sure that the engine is turned off. More than one person has injured his hand seriously by placing it in an engine fan when the engine was running.
One time arrives personally the scene training, artillerys fault operation makes him to be injured seriously, the life is critically ill.
Felipe Massa, seriously injured when flying debris struck the front of his helmet during Hungarian GP qualifying last Saturday, has been woken from his induced coma and will not be put to sleep again.
Parturient tigresses will choose inaccessible places such as deep forests, caves and rock crevices as their lair. Anyone who gets access to their lair would no doubly be injured seriously.
Parturient tigresses will choose inaccessible places such as deep forests, caves and rock crevices as their lair. Anyone who gets access to their lair would no doubly be injured seriously.