She was old enough to be shy of bears, even very small bears like Little Bear.
Taking such delays into account, the saving rate may still be shy of its peak, but not by much.
Students shouldn't be shy about reporting incidents of bullying to their parents or teachers.
Don't be shy. Try to sing in front of us.
The perfectly formed peak of Mount Fuji is notoriously shy, so any sighting has to be counted as a blessing.
You could label yourself shy, but could it be that you like surveying the scene before you jump in, and you have the gift of being able to hang back and think before you speak?
Negative thoughts and emotions are a form of self-hatred, and choosing to work on them is self-compassion, but it can be painful and many of us shy away from it.
It would be easy to come away with a rather chilly image of Britain: hostile to the work-shy, yet jaundiced about work.
Our group was shy at first, but wine before lunch has a way of loosening tongues. A young digital illustrator from Australia - who'd be calling me "Mum" by sundown - broke the ice.
But if we propose to think the mind, we must not be quite so shy of its special phenomena.
I sent a shy 13-year-old girl in the company of a loudmouth classmate to the state capitol-she to speak to her local legislator, he to teach her how to be fearless.
Many individuals are gun shy about using technology out of fear that they’ll remain too much in touch — that their time will be consumed by intrusive e-mails and cell phone calls. Fair enough.
I will always remember Brittany as that loud, overconfident girl, and a part of that shy, insecure person I used to be will always keep me humble.
While the scope of this series was on tools available on AIX, don't be shy about researching other tools that might also be of value to you.
尽管本系列文章的重点是 AIX中的可用工具,但是也应该研究其它一些可能非常有价值的工具。
First, ask your doctor for copies of your medical records and test results, and don't be shy about quizzing him on what they mean.
Of the students who called themselves shy, 12.4 percent actually met the criteria to be diagnosed with social phobia.
One of the reasons many managers shy away from pairing is that they're afraid of how it might be perceived.
Don't be shy to reach out to friends of friends because they will more than likely be willing to show you the new area or to just be there if you need them.
Photographing people can be a daunting task and the interaction is often what a lot of us shy away from.
Today’s youth may be web-savvy, but they also stand accused of being unread, bad at communicating, socially inept, shameless, dishonest, work-shy, narcissistic and indifferent to the needs of others.
Piyah is already an internet star, but the shy teen was given a taste of what her life could be like when she was invited to Pudding Stone Recording Studio in Sacramento to make a demo tape.
Your powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alliance.
Spring, , a season of everyone and I'm crazy for it, with a boundless glamour girl, saw the moon you will step aside, the flowers saw you would be shy.
If there is no socialization with humans in this period, it is most likely the dog will always be fearful and shy of people.
In those days, travellers were very shy of being confidential on short notice, for anybody on the road might be a robber or in league with robbers.
Jason is not shy at all. Amy used to be shy, but she has learned to be more outgoing. Hear them discuss the pros and cons of being shy.
If you are shy about asking to be justly compensated, your customers can interpret that as lack of confidence on your part.
Shy and conservative at heart, Roosters are can be overly concerned with their appearance and often buy the most stylish of clothes.
Shy and conservative at heart, Roosters are can be overly concerned with their appearance and often buy the most stylish of clothes.