If the company can deliver the planes for the price it quoted, it will assuage F-35 doubters in Congress and cash-strapped Allies who will be buying the jet, analysts have said.
分析家们说,如果该公司能够以该低报价交付飞机,它会缓和国会和购买飞机的现金短缺的盟友中f - 35的怀疑者的态度。
Jostling with them for limited funds will be a fast-growing number of cash-strapped non-financial firms.
Tourism officials on the U. s. side of the Falls said they passed on the opportunity because of worries their cash-strapped community might be on the hook for costly promotional activities.
Tourism officials on the U. s. side of the Falls said they passed on the opportunity because of worries their cash-strapped community might be on the hook for costly promotional activities.