Well, we see those moving in circles, they must be striving to move in circles.
You won't be striving to "stay positive" or "stop thinking negatively", you'll be living authentically.
Instead, couples should be striving to "enjoy a greener romance" - at least according to a pressure group in Wales.
Of course, given that the game industry's core demographic still consists of twitchy young men, it's hardly shocking that it wouldn't be striving to create a digital Finnegan's Wake.
I don't think that striving to have a happier life means that you should be striving to wipe out all unhappiness from your life or to ignore any cause for unhappiness to live in a cheery stupor.
The truth is, though, I would rather be striving toward that ideal my entire life and never see it realized, then surrender to live searching for some false sense of security (and to merely survive).
If I do decide to pursue one of these goals, it should be for the benefits associated with striving itself, such as enjoying the challenge or increasing my self-discipline.
But imperfect memories alone, of course, do not guarantee anyone is always striving to be deception-free.
At every juncture, he has been striving to find “strategic concepts” that could be made to prevail over a history of conflict, mutual grievance and fear.
Striving to resist the inturning of the season can be an exhausting and sometimes futile undertaking.
Both DataSift and Gnip are striving to be "data platforms".
Who has studied perfectionism for years, said he would prefer the term "positive achievement striving," but he acknowledged that that phrase was going to be a tough one to sell.
You will not be able to build self respect if you are permanently striving to impress others with outer displays.
In other words, God always has a people, although not perfect, are striving to be Christ-like and pursuing Him with all their hearts.
They are not striving to be better; they are attempting to be consistent.
If the human striving for freedom is ever to be realized, a necessary first step will be promoting a sound ideology.
But my goal isn't to discourage folks from striving to be rich.
There really is nothing more important to me than striving to be a good human being.
With the SNB now striving to force up the Banks' capital adequacy ratios, and with losses set to continue against a bleak economic outlook, more may well be needed.
They're also striving to make those tools simple to use, thereby extending the types of studies that can be done by researchers who aren't full-time programmers.
Therefore, most of these A-listers share similar life paths: overseas returnees striving to be successful back home.
Anorexia and bulimia become normal in a society that is striving to be slender.
Such entities seek maximum profit for shareholders while simultaneously striving to serve the public good—two opposing purposes that may be fundamentally irreconcilable.
Now, our primary task is making the best use of time to save people; striving for more than a single minute, even a single second of time may be possible to free more than one trapped person.
That seems to be associated with striving.
Poor health could also be the result of perfectionists leaving little time to care for themselves, while spending every minute striving for perfection, Sirois said.
Sirois 说:因为没有太多的时间关心自己,所以完美主义者的健康状况不好,他们把每一分钟都花在追求完美上了。
Enterprise Spirit: Striving to be Stronger, Serving the Country through Industrial development.
Enterprise Spirit: Striving to be Stronger, Serving the Country through Industrial development.