If you decide to override an operator to do something unusual, be sure to clearly document your efforts.
Sure, the smaller feature is weaker and might be inconsistent, but something is better than nothing, and it'll be cheaper to just do the easy ones.
But, if you do something that breaks the build, is inefficient, or just plain dumb, you'll be called out by the community, so you need to make sure you know what your are doing!
And I realized I needed to do something to help him-to get some kind of professional help, although what that would be, I wasn't yet sure.
He said Mister Clay seemed to be very weak and had a very bad cough, that he was sure Mister Clay wanted to do something for the good of his country during the little time he had left on Earth.
An alternative would be to do something like take snippets of stories like the iPad app Flipboard does, but Sarver said he wasn't sure that was a great solution either given copyright implications.
One day, I thought: If I come every time the alarm sounds, I should do something myself, to be sure my family is safe.
Do not be afraid to ask for clarification of something that has been said during the interview if you want to be sure what was implied, but do be polite.
It was a disagreeable tangle, to be sure, something that a man of his position and wealth really ought not to have anything to do with.
Is there something I need to do to be sure my child care program is able to accept vouchers?
By using this system, you can be sure that you do something everyday to improve yourself in all facets.
The promise of Ascension is something very special and if you fully comprehend what it means, you will apply yourself to making sure you do all you can to be ready.
If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I'm sure our school will be more beautiful.
Fourth, we should make sure that people will be rewarded if they do something good or for their contribution to our hometown.
As far as I am concerned, the only true stupid thing you can do is not to be sure about something and don't dare to ask!
I do not pretend this to be complete list. On the contrary I'm quite sure I've missed something (drop me a note if you have something to add).
I do not pretend this to be complete list. On the contrary I'm quite sure I've missed something (drop me a note if you have something to add).