Proper care must be taken to ensure that object-relational database mappings are correct, and ideally the code should be designed to minimize the changes necessary when requirements change.
The consequence of failure in any place may be predicted by calculation when pool fire occurs, so that necessary preventive measures can be taken.
When preparing elementary school test , care should be taken not to make the vocabulary more difficult than necessary .
When the base-plates are in place and all necessary measurements have been taken, the internal aluminium profile sections can be positioned.
Reasonable steps will be taken to delete or destroy the information when it is no longer necessary for any of the purpose above.
The environment in the west of China is so flimsy that it is a necessary factor that should be taken into consideration when the west of China is exploited.
The environment in the west of China is so flimsy that it is a necessary factor that should be taken into consideration when the west of China is exploited.