We should be thankful for scientific thinkers like Yuan.
This experience has taught me to be thankful for things we have in life.
It shows that people who find reasons to be thankful for their lives are actually happier, and I believe that is true.
I must not talk about it any more, for I have to be thankful for many things.
"Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for" is another noise that says one thing and means another.
Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.
However tedious or draining your job is, you have things to be thankful for.
Let us be thankful for the fools; but for them the rest of us could not succeed.
There are extraordinary things going on in my life. I have a lot to be thankful for.
Whether it was a joke, a funny sight, a tickle or a funny situation be thankful for it.
When we regularly take time to be thankful for the things we have, we appreciate them more.
An email arrived on Thanksgiving Day that made me realize we all have much to be thankful for.
So my friends if we look hard enough, we'd find things we can be thankful for every single day.
"It's going to be a quiet Thanksgiving," she said. "we're going to be thankful for what we do have."
It sounds hokey, but recognizing the many things you have to be thankful for is a sign of resilience.
So my friends if we look hard enough, we 'd find things we can be thankful for every single day.
Oh, and one more thing: be thankful for each other. If you have a family, every day should be Thanksgiving.
You are in that tiny moment right now and you can do things to change your life so be thankful for that at least.
Posted:One of the key facets to being able to live a simple life is the ability to be thankful for what you have.
This may include taking time out to simply be thankful for the day ahead, praying, or listening to uplifting music.
I stand for this. We who are alive, with breath in our bodies and love in our hearts, have much to be thankful for.
When you begin to be thankful for what you have, you won’t be disappointed by the temporary things that you don’t have.
Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there's still much to be thankful for.
Although the thorns of life may be here to stay, just sprout a smile along the way — and be thankful for what you have today!
It doesn't take much to get back on track and the people in your life (yourself included) will be thankful for your initiative.
It's been a tough year, and one in which a lot of people around the world might be struggling to find things to be thankful for.
Compare the present occasion with such an affliction as that, and be thankful for the friends you have, instead of coveting more.
Compare the present occasion with such an affliction as that, and be thankful for the friends you have, instead of coveting more.