Mr Jones: Will I be thrilled, shocked and horrified?
It's a safe bet that Microsoft's lawyers wouldn't be thrilled.
You must be thrilled to be working on as an interesting project as this!
Most big brands would be thrilled to get this and would spend a lot of money.
Send a card that you have been thinking about him and I'm sure he would be thrilled.
You'll be thrilled by the sight of mount Rainier, part of the Cascade Range of mountains.
I'd be thrilled if I could just have one seat out there called the Anders Lindegaard seat!
Enjoy white sandy beaches and the blue sea, or be thrilled by miles of unbroken rainforest.
If we live our life completely every day, we still may not be thrilled with the thought of death.
Women who can't find a man to marry might not be thrilled about the idea of men marrying each other.
And when she says: "We want our employees to be thrilled to come to work every day," she means it.
Isn't it hilarious how kids will be opposite of whatever you…you know, most kids would be thrilled.
是的! 我是说,你们能做很多事。 - 不,他们会反对。 他们会…我们想被别人拍照。
I will forward the photos to my sisters who I'm sure will be thrilled to hear that you have succeeded.
The earl tweeted: "Perfect names. My 2-year old Charlotte Diana will be thrilled at cousinly name-sharing. ""
Farmer:Glad to hear it! Everyone will be thrilled! Oh, I almost forgot What's your name?What should I call you?
You may be thrilled, or you may decide you need to leave, but chances are you will like the final effects of this full moon.
I am delighted that you have chosen to invest in a Strategic Planning Session. I know that you will be thrilled by the outcome.
John Aniston said: "I don't think any father who knows anything about this business would be thrilled to have a daughter in it."
The Romans, no doubt, had their Colosseum, but I doubt if even the Romans expected to be thrilled so continuously as we do nowadays.
“Our fans are going to be thrilled to have the opportunity to see such a phenomenal player compete again at our tournament, ” he said.
It won't appeal to everyone, but I'm confident that the people who have kept my games alive for the past two decades will be thrilled.
When a company hires you, it's a big investment of time and money. So, chances are, they won't be thrilled when you quit a few days in.
You, the extroverted and loving husband plan to knock her socks off with a big surprise party, thinking of course, she will be thrilled!
On the other hand, some of you have been kind enough to ring me and let me know that you loved him, which I know that he'd be thrilled to hear.
The uneventful dignity of his life makes for a biography which it would be odd to be thrilled by and which it would be insensitive not to be stirred by.
按字面意义译为“…对他的传记感到吃惊是很奇怪的,而不为之激动则是不敏感的”,意义不很明确,若按逆向翻译,则易于理解。 他的一生是平凡的,但却是很庄严的。
The Fed would not be thrilled at the prospect of having to rely more on non-American Banks as dollar intermediaries in the foreign-exchange-swap market.
The Fed would not be thrilled at the prospect of having to rely more on non-American Banks as dollar intermediaries in the foreign-exchange-swap market.