The call may be to another country, but let's be careful not to ignore the workplace or neighborhood in which we already know many people.
If they want to use me to plug Australia, I'd be delighted to do so because I can't think of another country I'd rather visit.
It is not uncommon for projects to be developed at headquarters in one country, but not welcomed at the field level in another.
One remedy would be for Greece to arrange a bridging loan from another euro-zone country in good credit, such as Germany.
The biological resources conserved in one country could be very valuable to another country, another continent.
There are only 1, 8 million native English-speakers in the country, out of a total population of 46 million, to which another million or so Indians may be added.
And without credibility, Iran — like any country — would not be able to hold another country hostage.
Should the re-incorporation of carbon into plant material happen where the carbon was emitted originally, or could it be ‘exported’ from one country to another?
We’ve allowed ourselves to be completely indoctrinated into another way of thinking about food in this country.
And the White House says no detainees will be transferred to another country where they will be tortured or mistreated.
In other words, the merit of virtual water is not to give precise figures but to alert people that they might be better off growing different crops, or moving their manufacturing to another country.
Its neutrality would go down well with the Finns and Swedes; Norway would be glad to have another non-EU country next door.
So if they want to use me to plug Australia, I'd be delighted to do so because I can't think of another country I'd rather visit.
Shoot, you might even be from another country, where there are what seem (to us) like some pretty wacky traditions. Some you might like to try…some you might want to skip.
Second, they cannot be seen as taking a schizophrenic view to sovereign debt risks, a hard stance on Europe (downgrading the one country after another) and a soft on the US.
Moreover, it would be difficult to get politicians to stump up cash to contribute to the bail-out of a bank that is based in another country.
"Once their deficit becomes much larger, and they need it to build parts of the country that are damaged, then the BoJ is going to be starting another round of easing - QE III," he said.
Possible events or news will be related to a person who lives in another community or country.
I don't know how strong I'll be if I move to a foreign country and try to speak in another language with fluent speakers.
Even when another country or continent was described or televised, it would seem to be a far away, exotic place that was unreachable to all but the hardiest and most adventurous travelers.
It makes little economic sense for a country to produce a good that can be purchased from another country at lower price.
Today, an important quest is surfacing : the desire to find another country, one that may be simpler and less glorious than previously announced, but aims to be more compassionate and human.
Today, an important quest is surfacing : the desire to find another country, one that may be simpler and less glorious than previously announced, but aims to be more compassionate and human.