Some retailers are cognizant that some designs may be too much for customers.
I do not want everything to be on his shoulders, that would be too much for him.
'I'm not sure if you should see her,' I hesitated. 'Will the shock be too much for her?'
The suddenness in which everything would have taken place, will be too much for some souls to take in.
Nothing seems to be too much for you to make our stay here comfortable and enjoyable and our work smooth and effective.
I almost envy you the pleasure, and yet I believe it would be too much for me, or else I could take it in my way to Newcastle.
The dose rate needed to make them work in insects would be too much for people to tolerate, so some more design work is necessary.
If he were suddenly to appear in a physical body in the room, it would be too much for most of us to accept and therefore he doesn't.
I've considered that. I'll share an apartment with others to save the rent, and the cost of living won't be too much for only one person.
The feeling is, at least from my husband's side, that the stress of exams together with the stress of a parental split will be too much for her.
Others might have forgiven him for what had happened, but he couldn't forgive himself, and lately, the burden had gotten to be too much for him to handle.
The stifling, chaotic maze of Dakar might be too much for some, but those who brave the humidity and mosquitoes will walk away with a truly unforgettable experience.
Businessweek reports that although he thought the pressure of the strings would be too much for the plastic, he says it sounds like a much more expensive custom guitar.
Composite materials and advances in avionics allow the latest aircraft designs to pull g-forces, especially extreme lateral acceleration, that would be too much for a pilot to stand.
Whenever life gets to be too much for the little crab, he pulls his shell over his head and withdraws from the world to enjoy peace and to regain his balance and a sense of security.
Like other elderly animals suffering from arthritis, Tom can't jump like he used to and the garden fence that blocks his passage into the wide world beyond the garden proved to be too much for him.
He must be hoping, but considering the situation in June he may be hoping for too much too soon.
He knew that too much exertion would be dangerous, and rest was needed for the tired girl.
Such services don't cost too much—quality services can be found for upwards of 30 pounds a month.
A full-length pose would be much too big a project for a young woman of your size.
However, he adds, the current state of knowledge about what foods are problematic and which kids are susceptible is still too limited to be of much use for doctors or their patients.
Too much freedom can be bad for creatives, but there's significant evidence that it makes regular folks unhappy, too.
Their concerns are raised in a new book, Too Much, Too Soon?, due to be submitted to the Department for Education’s consultation on the EYFS, which ends on Friday.
新书《过多,过早? 》提到了他们的忧虑,这本新书将被提交给英国教育部的早期教育纲要研讨会,会议将于周五结束。
Is all this a confession that after all life is too complex a game for any rules to be of much use?
Kombucha lovers call it a wonder tonic, while some nutrition experts warn that too much can be toxic for people with weak immune systems.
For example, all of these elements are unlikely to be implemented as a single component, since they're much too complicated for this to be the case.
For example, all of these elements are unlikely to be implemented as a single component, since they're much too complicated for this to be the case.