The product should be used up within 2 hours.
The mixed material should be used up within 30 minutes.
Other things can be used up, but used properly, our brain can never be exhausted.
Not replaced by any other energy, oil is likely to be used up in the nearest future.
Performance: If being fully charged, it could be used up to 6 days for continuous cloudy and rainy days.
Hydrogen energy is an ideal alternative fuel when petroleum of the earth will be used up in the next century.
The trap does not close every time a trigger hair is touched, because a lot of energy would be used up this way.
The cooldown on "Victory Rush" has been removed, and it can now be used up to 20 seconds after killing an enemy.
The reserve of available Internet addresses will be used up around the world in January, warned experts based here.
Fixed Assets Assets of a company used in the operation of the business but not expected to be used up or converted into cash.
The optimization results show that the GA are very effective and can be used up to the field of electromagnetic apparatus design.
The charge to an expense account is based on the assumption that the benefits from the expenditure will be used up in the current period.
Petroleum will be used up in future, fuel cell will become the major power supplier for transportation in future for its high efficiency and cleanliness.
It's actually simpler than it sounds — the scientists are developing a system that exploits sewage-loving bacteria to produce nitrous oxide, which can be used up by a rocket thruster.
If the body did not regenerate the HCO3 - lost in buffering the non-volatile acids, the entire buffer capacity would be used up in abort 6 days (assuming a normal rate of acid production).
如果机体不能生成由于中和非挥发性酸而丢失的HCO3 -,那么机体的整个缓冲容量将在6天内被耗尽(假设在正常的产酸速度下)。
"Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight," says one veteran.
The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling.
The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.
Either way, if its roots are pulled up from out of the ground as the tree topples over, then there's usually a big hole, a pit left in the ground where the roots used to be.
"I was afraid to watch it, " she said. "I was listening to Lisa Ono with the volume up to the highest on the stereo that used to be here in the corner."
Jessica used to be a manager in a company, but she gave up her job when she became a mother.
This irreflexivity can be used to set up an equivalence relation.
“Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight, ” says one veteran.
“Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight, ” says one veteran.