All this means that agriculture in the 21st century will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th.
If we'd known 10 years ago what we know now, this place would be very different.
Now the Russians recognize that Obama will be very different from his know-nothing predecessor.
Without it, attitudes coming into South Africa would surely be very different. The chances too.
The meaning of the sequence would then be very different if the messages arrived in the order C B A.
如果消息以顺序C B A送达,则序列的意义将完全不同了。
"Success" will, therefore, be very different in scope and definition for Cancun than it was in Copenhagen.
Although the fundamental particles would be very different, organic chemistry would be possible in this case.
If you removed those slime molds, the whole earth's ecosystems would be very different, "Dr." Stephenson said.
Since XML data can be very different from relational data, we need a dedicated language to handle XML data efficiently.
Meanwhile, these algorithms tend to see themarket from a machine’s point of view, which can be very different from ahuman’s.
"If they were allowed to attend senior secondary schools in the city, the results would be very different, " said Prof Cheng.
These approaches may be very different, but they are all pursuing the same goal-cost-competitiveness with power from the grid.
The dwarfs' orbits tend to be very different, too — much more elliptical and more inclined, relative to the plane of the solar system.
Worse, the way the JIT optimizes the do-nothing code in SyncTest.increment() may be very different from how it optimizes a real-world program.
更糟糕的是,JIT 对于 SyncTest.increment()中不做事的代码的优化与对实际中的程序的优化在方式上有很大的不同。
If a company's resource allocation process is not managed masterfully, what emerges from it can be very different from what management intended.
And these may be very different from the terms you use inside your organization and within your industry. Get in touch with your prospects.
What tastes good to people, as well as what is tasteful to offer as refreshment to guests, can be very different from one culture to another.
A spokesman said the experience of using the chemicals in the field will be very different to any effects seen in small scale laboratory tests.
Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.
Why does a trumpet — if I asked a trumpet to play this pitch, a trumpet played, and then I asked an oboe to play it, the sound would be very different.
Think about that chess computer and think about the explanation of our behavior in mental terms is bound to be very different from a physical explanation.
The body orientation plots (left) of penguins and cormorants are similar - but adding the data from depth sensors reveals their behaviour to be very different.
If inventors like Da Vinci or Edison had stayed with a 'common sense' mindset, our life would be very different because their inventions changed the world.
"It's reluctant to tell Australians that we have to think seriously about living in an Asia that will be very different from anything we have known," he says.
“It’s reluctant to tell Australians that we have to think seriously about living in an Asia that will be very different from anything we have known, ” he says.
But if a genetically engineered plant contains a pharmaceutical or other new compound that must be kept out of the food supply, the answers could be very different.
But the body often goes through other changes before, during, and after puberty - and sometimes these changes can be very different from the ones we expect to happen.
Indians brought up in other countries tend to be very different in their mannerisms from their native Cousins; however, the basic community traits tend to remain the same.
Indians brought up in other countries tend to be very different in their mannerisms from their native Cousins; however, the basic community traits tend to remain the same.