I knew I'd be very uncomfortable about walking on a constantly heaving wet floor, let alone actual water.
If they knew that someone could tell that they were doing that kind of stalking, they'd be very uncomfortable...
If he or she argues a lot with the parents, this can be very uncomfortable for you, especially if you're asked to choose sides.
Laryngeal symptoms is a hoarse voice, this performance will become increasingly severe, the patient's throat will be very uncomfortable.
Sometimes we have a difficult person in our lives and some reticence to release on. At these times, the idea of love can be very uncomfortable.
It is very uncomfortable to be alone, and I think that is why we, as a globe, have fetishized connection the way that we have.
It's very important tomake sure you don't wear cotton for this layer because once it getswet, you'll stay wet, which can be uncomfortable in warmer weather anddangerous in cold weather.
It is very uncomfortable to be alone, and I think that is why we, as a globe, have fetishized connection the way that we have.But I think that we are losing a lot by losing the experience of solitude.
And that's a very uncomfortable state to be in because you are constantly worried about insignificant things.
Though they are usually not very painful, sores can be uncomfortable and interfere during meal times.
Ten seconds gives you time to flash on, "Oh, he's very uncomfortable with my family," or "Hmmm, he's been whipped at work and needs to be in control of something (pathetic as his choice may be.)"
"Real change comes from having enough comfort to be really honest and say something very uncomfortable," she said.
In fact, these issues which Westerners may find uncomfortable are be asked are very typical in China.
Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway.
You must be prepared to drop the conversation if the person says no, or looks very uncomfortable.
I wanted all to be really detailed. I want it to be true to reality. There is no deception, otherwise, I will feel very uncomfortable!
Man Mian the cold wind, seeped my total involvement, I really very want to burst into tears, very wants to look for a shoulder to divulge in the heart not to be uncomfortable.
The issue cannot be forced, as subjecting them to too much Light before they are ready, would result in a very uncomfortable experience.
If inflation remains high and global growth falters, "that would be a very uncomfortable combination for China's policy makers," Ms. Yao added.
During the night especially, teething can be quite painful and can be, of course, very uncomfortable.
And because it is a very private, elite world, most people would be uncomfortable speaking about it "."
Computer said: "I can be used to fight composition, the composition is not only up and clean, very tidy and looks very uncomfortable and I can be calculated quickly to the people of that answer."
This month Pluto will be in very hard Angle to this new moon, June 22, suggesting someone will be quite insistent that you sign a document or agree to a deal that you are uncomfortable doing.
This month Pluto will be in very hard Angle to this new moon, June 22, suggesting someone will be quite insistent that you sign a document or agree to a deal that you are uncomfortable doing.