It is impossible to foresee whether she'll BE well enough to come home from hospital next month.
It is impossible to foresee whether she'll be well enough to come home from hospital next month.
His parents have not asked when he might be well enough to go home; they said it was too early to look ahead.
Because of the enormous fading of the optical signal in underwater laser communication, the capacity of the error-correcting code must be well enough.
Without proper medical care, there is little chance he will ever be well enough to get a job, so there is little chance the family will ever be able to pay off their debts.
It would be a pity to retard our development by holding back those people who are gifted enough to work and play well with less than the average amount of sleep, if indeed it does them no harm.
Spiders do not take well to farming, and as they are mostly teeny little creatures, they don't produce enough silk to be useful in large-scale production.
Be sure to attend all classes and leave enough time to finish your assignments and prepare well for examinations.
It's easy to find an inexpensive trampaline, but it should be well made and strong enough to support your weight.
As for the trout, Dr. Bradley says his fish have enough trouble breeding on their own for it to be unlikely that they would do well in the wild.
Politicians, policymakers, commissioners and school leaders must be brave enough to make the leap towards reimagining schools as providers of health as well as education services.
Those who misunderstand the impact of social interactions may not, in some contexts, be social enough for their own well-being.
Fortunately, after a brief stay in the hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner.
Scientists worry that soon there won't be enough water for us, as well as for the animals and plants that share our world.
Levels of pollution need to be low enough and managed well enough to ensure that the local and global ecosystem can accommodate them.
Steps can be taken to try to mitigate some of them; if you understood them well enough, you might even be able to perform deconvolution (see Resources).
But that wouldn`t be enough if I wanted to pay for Hanna as well.
You should know your team well enough to know whether or not something like that would be positive reinforcement for them.
Whatever your talents in your chosen field, your English has to be strong enough to enable you to do well in your coursework.
A well-designed test can provide enough assurances that the system will be of acceptable quality for production.
Without honesty, your best efforts to resolve conflicts will be wasted because you will not understand each other well enough to find mutually acceptable solutions.
These structures provide the commonality necessary to satisfy most requirements, as well as enough flexibility to be useful in both large and small organizations.
Doing well is not enough; she has to be a prominent prizewinner.
The author should be someone who knows your work well enough to write a circumstantial letter.
They should be kind enough to mentor younger scientists, but stingy enough with their time to be able to manage it well.
Eventually programming may be embedded well enough into the schools and curriculums that there won't be a need for programming as a separate discipline.
While moral hazard makes insurance more expensive and less efficient, many insurance markets work well enough to be useful.
The virtual disk should be large enough for the guest operating system as well as the software you wish to install in it.
The virtual disk should be large enough for the guest operating system as well as the software you wish to install in it.