While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn't expect.
The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.
They are mammals that can be found in most of the world's oceans, as well as in fresh water.
The Omars' banded knifefish (Gymnotus omarorum) is well-known in its native Uruguay—or at least researchers thought until a recent revelation found it to be another species.
Though it now seems well-controlled, for a period of time before he knew whether or not it would be, my patient told me he found himself in great need of comfort.
They found methylation defects on several human genes in the cord blood and placentas of ART embryos, suggesting that a similar effect might be occurring in humans as well.
Since then, scientists have found clues to explain these animal transitions in the fossil and molecular records, as well as in energetic analyses, but the full story is yet to be discovered.
People in community dwelling populations who perform less well in these tests were consistently found to be at higher risk for death.
Macintosh found that naphtha - a volatile, oily liquid created in the distillation the aforementioned coal tar, as well as petroleum - could be used to waterproof fabrics.
The horned melon, also known as African cucumber or jelly melon, is an annual vine native to Africa, but can now be found grown in California, Australia, New Zealand and Chile as well.
The answer to what ails the Heat might well be found in all of the above but someone is going to have to break down the percentages and figure out the solutions.
In both cases, I found its glass surface to be cool and smooth, and it worked well as a solution for small work surfaces where a mouse can't move around much.
The latest JDBC specification has adopted those features found in the SQL99 standard that are already widely supported, as well as those likely to be supported within the next five years.
Prosciutto can be found in ordinary people's plate as well as on the table of an Italian state banquet.
Our examples will cover some basic, important points in the checklist as well as the fields where issues can be found most frequently.
The new species of the Oreoglanis genus, was found in rocky, fast-flowing streams all over Thailand, and is thought to be present in neighbouring countries as well.
You found, I don't remember his stagefright Well, I think there was one moment in his scene like he's standing in front of a crowd, it is supposed to be on a ship, I think.
What distinction it has can be found mostly in filigree and detail, as well as in the central relationship between hero and sidekick.
The good news is that IBM has a well-documented capability of doing so (my favorite references can be found in the Resources section).
This can uncover obvious bugs in the specification as well as less obvious compositional issues that might only be found through bringing several Web service specifications together at once.
Additional functions as well as how to customize these options using a readline init file (usually inputrc in your home directory) can be found in the man pages.
An indication of the demand for top-of-the-range goods can be found in Forbes magazine's “cost of living extremely well” index which includes items such as facelifts, fur coats and Gucci loafers.
So, well, maybe we actually want to use this formula for db that we found in here. OK, and then we'll be left only with d thetas, which is what we want.
But David took an oath and said, "your father knows very well that I have found favor in your eyes, and he has said to himself, 'Jonathan must not know this or he will be grieved."'
Our Shoe Lab tests found the 872 to be well cushioned yet stiff in the forefoot, giving runners better control on uneven terrain.
A function found on the data of porosity depth or density depth from a given layer in one well or poly wells could be more reliable so that it can figure out a satisfying decompaction thickness.
A function found on the data of porosity depth or density depth from a given layer in one well or poly wells could be more reliable so that it can figure out a satisfying decompaction thickness.