"Of course you can be a talented child or what they call a wonder girl, too," my mother told me when I was nine. "you can be best at anything."
This could open up a lot of new avenues for publishers, but at the same time, we have to wonder how many publishers would be willing to develop new content for this device.
So no wonder it can sometimes be so “devilishly difficult for forensicanalysts or psychiatrists, as well as juries, to get at the truth, ” said Owens.
Some people look a very talented person and wonder why they are great at what they do and want to be the same yet they don't have the patience to figure who they are themselves.
Given how difficult this proved to be, the team then began to wonder if there was a way at run time to query which JAR contains the classes in question.
The sense development wasn’t that you smile in the mirror, but instead that something you would smile at might be something you would wonder over or admire.
Cool as these maps are, you've gotta wonder at all the possible ways they could be expanded.
When what you held dear can be viewed as a gift, a wonder that you had it at all, the memory can eventually become one more of gratitude than tragedy.
I wonder if, 150 years ago, Mr. Packer would be riding the train at all, or if he would have stayed home, afraid to engage in an evolving society and demanding that the trains be stopped.
我很好奇啊,150年前帕克先生肯定不会坐火车吧! 可能他就是待在家里,唯恐自己被卷入火车贻害社会的罪行中,终日嚷嚷着让火车停下。
And since the market had already experienced a -16% correction this summer based at least in part on the European debt crisis, I couldn't help but wonder if this time would be different.
To be charitable, look on and wonder at the sheer ambition of taking on so many hard, important questions.
Like Wayne Rooney, when they consider leaving, they wonder if it could be any better at any other club in the world.
While the focus is on safety, and rightly so, I do wonder if there might be another benefit: inspiring more people to leave the car at home and take transit.
But if we buy this argument-that attitude makes up for aptitude-then one might look at U.S. math and science scores as they plummet on tests like PISA and wonder if attitude will be enough.
Pearl, looking at this bright wonder of a house, began to caper and dance, and imperatively required that the whole breadth of sunshine should be stripped off its front, and given her to play with.
Lipson remembers being teased by grade-school classmates who didn't know any better, and he occasionally would look at his brother and wonder why he couldn't be blessed with a healthy body.
Do you ever look at our changing technology and wonder where we are all going and what the world will be like when we get there?
It's tempting to shrug and wonder whether the legacy of new green initiatives will be as lackluster as the "green Olympics" - or to feel blue at the lack of promised "blue skies."
I wonder, I am now something like the Olympic Torch, handled from one hand to the other, and could not be missing anytime, at any place.
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be the young David Robinson, and then I remember he's intensely principled, and that I wouldn't be able to have any of the fun I'd seek out at all.
Kind of like being in a time warp, where you just keep going and going and going and never seem to arrive at where you wanted to be or even find yourself some place and wonder how you got there.
Play mahjong game can be sent boring time, when the mood is bad at playing mahjong also can let be agitated mood, no wonder people like to play the game.
Looking at where you are now and considering the promises that have been made to you, you may wonder how it can be done.
Look at "Outlaws of the Marsh," but my heart is not there, I always wonder whether he would be a reporter, this festival is belongs to me.
While I might be tempted to wonder at how useful these tips might be, only time will tell.
While I might be tempted to wonder at how useful these tips might be, only time will tell.