The world would be worse off if everybody lied because then no one could rely on anybody else's word therefore you shouldn't lie.
In August 1997 a Guardian/ICM poll found that only 48% thought the country would be worse off without the crown, 15 points lower than now.
If later they turned their backs on Christ, they would be worse off than ever because they had turned away from their only hope of salvation.
But if it means their children are dumped in front of the telly at a cheap childminder, the kids may be worse off than if they were at home with mum.
When China does not participate in the regime and instead a carbon tariff is imposed on its exports, it will likely be worse off than when participating.
When various manipulations disturb the thermal boundary layer inside or the condensate film and gas-vapor diffusion layer outside, the heat transfer effect will be better or be worse off.
The measures will create personal tax losers as well as winners: according to the IFS, around one-fifth of families will be worse off as a result. One overall benefit will be tax simplification.
Pareto efficiency means that no one can be made better off without someone becoming worse off.
We would not be interested in human beings if we did not have the hope of someday meeting someone worse off than ourselves.
Worse still, after about 20 minutes after the ship takes off, all radio contact between ship and earth will be destroyed.
Even worse would be military adventurism to occupy and work off the steam and frustrations of the unmarried males-another effect seen of gender imbalance in the past.
When researchers ask people whether they would rather be relatively richer than their peers even if that means they are absolutely worse off, the answer is yes.
Typing a password over and over again can be downright annoying — worse, it presents a significant obstacle to hands-off automation.
So it is difficult for companies to determine with any accuracy whether they would be better or worse off by outsourcing work.
If it hadn’t, we’d be much worse off today.
Suppose even worse, Darth Vader slices off both arms and both legs, still be Luke.
Indeed, three years after NEWSWEEK published its controversial cover naming Pakistan the world's most dangerous nation, it seems to be even worse off.
Some types of proceedings can even be adversely affected if televised, making society worse off rather than giving it a benefit.
The standard theory has been that women who have problems coping after abortion were probably already mentally unstable and therefore more likely to be even worse off if they continued the pregnancy.
Screenwriters often employ a plot device called a reversal, in which a hero who seems to be making progress abruptly finds himself worse off, and facing a much greater menace.
Or much worse. It might also be used to shut off entire sections of the Internet.
Moreover, managers often overestimate the extra sales that lower prices generate, so companies may be left worse off than before the cuts.
He notes that relatively rich Botswana and South Africa are worse hit than poorer Senegal; within countries, the well-off are often more likely to be infected than the poor.
Moreover, should prices be too high for the database, he said, "We're no worse off. It just becomes a richer finding tool, better than search and snippet."
Stupid prisoner's dilemma. We'd all be better off if nobody expanded their military, but as long as someone might defect, everyone is in a worse situation.
But the company maintains that it is one of the largest employers in Papua, and without the jobs the Grasberg mine provides, many Papuans would be far worse off.
Bianco came off worse, we're worried he might have suffered a small fracture and we'll have to see if he'll be able to carry on.
Bianco came off worse, we're worried he might have suffered a small fracture and we'll have to see if he'll be able to carry on.