Main task of our subject is to detect the incident laser beam. And it is required to get its wavelength and incident angle.
In conditions that the laser gains can be obtained, the relations between the maximal allowable divergence Angle of incident electron beam and other physical parameters are discussed.
According to the multi-beam interference occurred at the air gap for the polarizing light of Taylor prism, the transmitted light intensity depends on the incident Angle.
Directly calculating expression of angular shift of a Gaussian beam reflected by absorbing medium interface is given, which can be applied to any incident Angle and does not diverge at Brewster Angle.
The profile of transmitted Gaussian beam varies with the change of incident angle and air-gap thickness.
Based on ASTF the influence of such parameters as tip-sample distance, tip aperture diameter and the incident Angle of illuminating laser beam on PSTM image has been discussed.
Based on ASTF the influence of such parameters as tip-sample distance, tip aperture diameter and the incident Angle of illuminating laser beam on PSTM image has been discussed.