Under the condition of optical breakdown, a high ratio of laser to sound energy conversion can be obtained with a large laser beam waist radius.
Cavity parameters such as stability condition, beam waist radius, beam waist position, beam radius at any position can displayed or output in certain file formats.
The frequency domain result of Gaussian beam scattering from rough surface is extended to the time domain and the effect of the beam waist radius is also discussed.
From the nonlinear Schrdinger equation of beam propagating in Kerr absorbing medium, a set of evolution equations describing Gaussian beam waist radius have bean deduced.
The effect of spherical aberration on the radius of image beam waist in the design of laser optical system is discussed in detail, and the expression is presented.
There's a zero point and maxima in the relationship curve of beam-waist radius and measurement error.
The radius and position of waist spot of CO2 laser beam focused by a single Ge lens were measured experimentally, and the focal length of the Ge lens was determined. The result is in agreement w...
The radius and position of waist spot of CO2 laser beam focused by a single Ge lens were measured experimentally, and the focal length of the Ge lens was determined. The result is in agreement w...